Things You Should Tell Yourself As You Wake-up in the Morning

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Written by
3 years ago

There are times that we are having a bad day and it seems like our self-esteem is breaking into pieces which is very difficult to fix again in its original state. Some days are in favor with us and the sun shines so bright, describing how happy we are that day.

Our mood changes everyday and along with it, the perspective we have in each day is not consistent as well, unless we have a strong and positive mindset.

As a matter of fact, even me is always struggling about how can I make myself stay on vibe especially if I have bunch of problems waiting for me as I open my eyes in the morning. I admit, I am being discouraged sometimes when things around me are falling apart and I don't even know how to fix them all because I am broke as well.

But then, that's life. It's not always sunny. It's not always stormy. The rain will fall after the sunny day. The rainbow will come out after the rain. Everything's balanced in terms of our weather, and even the life we have. We are not living in a static world, but we are bound to live along with dynamism. In that case, if we don't know how to go with the flow, we will be left out. We must go on, we must be strong each and every day.

So, as you wake-up in the morning, don't forget to tell yourself about these things that will help you to have a positive and strong mindset to go on with life no matter how simple and complicated it is.

1. Today is a brand new day

Every day is a new day. It's not the same as yesterday. Tell yourself that this day will give you a new opportunity to change the things that disappointed you before and replace it with happiness you deserve. I know it's not easy to move on from the sad moments that happened yesterday, but then it's not impossible at all. There's no impossible to someone whose optimistic and brave enough to change whatever he/she wants to change.

2. I'm the best version of myself

Nobody's perfect. Everyone of us is imperfect or flawed, and we all have insecurities we can't take away from us. But, that doesn't change the fact that we also have the beauty and strength that we can be proud of. Along with these strengths and weaknesses we have, let's all encourage ourselves by saying that "we are the best version of ourselves." No one can tell how high our value is. No one can validate our worth, but ourselves. So, with that thought, don't forget to compliment ourselves, because that's the thing about us that we should embrace. We have to accept ourselves first and never ever beg for someone's acceptance, because if they really care, they would accept us with open arms.

3. My past doesn't define me.

Most of us have a dark past. We all have memories that we want to forget and doesn't want to bring it up again in the present because some people may judge us about that even though it's been buried in the past. Some people tend to criticize based on the past of an individual. But as a positive thinker, we should keep in our mind that no matter how ruthless we are before, that doesn't define who we are today. Who says no one can't change? Of course, we can all change. If we have the courage to replace our evil side with an angel personality with Lord's guidance, we can be a better person with a kind heart. People change, so if someone criticized you for being a demon before, slap them not with your palm but with your good deeds now.

4. It's okay to fail

We are not perfect. As a part of learning and achieving what we really want in life, we encounter failures sometimes, and that's completely okay. No one succeeded in just a snap. I don't even know someone who achieve their dreams as easy as 1,2,3. Everyone have to pass the painful road to success. Behind the trophy, there are failures which are intended to make us strong and motivated. Don't be discouraged with a single or even million mistakes you committed before. Those are part of learning. It's part of the test we have to take before we reach the finish line. If our dreams doesn't challenge us then the happiness in the end is not that genuine. It's more satisfying to cherish a success we know we exerted so much efforts to achieve.

5. I will be successful

There will come a time that our hardworks will be paid-off. No matter how slow we make progress, it's still a progress. Even though we fall a hundred times, we can be successful soon. There is no impossible for a hopeful being. Even if we think as if it's very difficult to wake up in the morning to chase an impossible dream, it's still possible for us to reach that one if we don't give up. We are never a loser. We are a winner of our own life and someday we can taste that sweet triumph we love.


Life isn't about whose happy and sad. It's not about doing nothing and just lie down in bed, wishing something to happen without even moving. We have to act and change our perspective everyday into a positive one. We should live a happy life despite of the stormy situation we've been through. We should have the mindset of being optimistic, confident, and hopeful to be the captain of our own lives. Tell ourselves the best positive words we can think of and never entertain negative vibes around.

Have a positive life. Be brave. Be the best. And together we will live a joyful life.

Author's Note:

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Written by
3 years ago


Keep to motivate other people maam, sharing positivity to others makes your and other minds healty

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Thank you. I am trying my best to give light for those people being devoured by darkness because I know how it feels to be in that situation. Have a nice day. Nice to meet you here. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like your article maam, it's a motivation to strive more to reach the life we want to be. Always in positivity and make yourself as an example for everybody to be motivated. More articles and God Bless ma'am.😇

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Thanks for the appreciation. I am really glad that my article can motivate others to not give up and reach dreams no matter what. May the good Lord bless you too. Have a nice day po. 😊💖

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you maam.. More blessings to come and continue to inspired us. ❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I felt so relieved right now, and that is because of this article. Thank you for writing such wonderful piece. I am actually demotivated these days and I do not know how to bounce back. But this article gives me a lot of helped to continue and be motivated again. 🥺☺️

$ 0.02
3 years ago

I am very glad that I helped you by writing this article. I just want to say that no matter how bothered you are with things around you, there's always a light of hope waiting for you in the midst of the darkness. I am praying for your genuine happiness MissJo. Thank you for appreciating my article. Nice to meet you here. 😊❤️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much. My heart is in so much happiness right now. I hope this feeling will last and be genuine. Thank you for the prayer and I'll do the same.

Nice meeting you here too. ✨☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago