Things Money Can't Buy

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2 years ago

Money have many purpose in this world, and we can’t deny the fact that when we have lots of it, some of us feel like superior among others.

However, that’s not how everything works, and there are things that can’t be bought even if we have millions, billions, or trillions of money. There are things that we can’t have despite how wealthy we are, but sadly, others can’t acknowledge that idea and keeps on feeling superior without looking at themselves if they still have morals.

Anyway, it might be sound embarrassing, but writing this article was supposed to be containing pure rants for what I’ve experienced a while back, but I realized that I should incorporate lessons here so you, my readers, can gain a valuable knowledge after reading.

Just a story to tell, I was watering the plants earlier with a gardening hose here at home (a private property we owned). Later on that time, there’s a group of boy riding a mountain bike whom one of them was my teenage third cousin I am not closed with. He was with his friends who looked rich just by observing their clothing styles, their looking-expensive bikes, and their behavior which seems untouchable. They all looked young, teenagers, I guess.

Since these boys were about to passed by in our property, particularly the area where the garden hose I’m using was located, I immediately stopped them for a while to move away the garden hose as my dad said that no vehicles must stepped on it so it won’t be broken. The hose was pretty long, but I tried to move faster to keep it safe from their bikes’ wheels.

Unfortunately, these unmannered boys just ignored what I’ve said and rudely stepped on the garden hose, given the fact that they were four, riding a bike each one of them. I was fuming in anger inside but I managed to keep my composure because I don’t want to fight especially since my cousin was there, and he might tell exaggeratedly to her parents (my aunt and uncle) what I’ve done to them even if it’s not my fault at all.

The moment they stepped on the garden hose seemed like a slow motion to me and my expression keeps changing in anger as the wheels of their bikes stepped on the hose. I kept saying “wait a minute” but they just ignored me with no manners and respect. They even had the guts to chuckle after what they did, and just passed by as if nothing happened.

What’s wrong these teenagers nowadays? They expensively styled themselves physically, with their mountain bikes, but they forgot to remain humble and respectful. Is it because I looked poor with the way I dressed earlier as I watered the plants with muds on my hands?

Does respect can only be given to someone who’s at their level as well?

Is it hard to act with manners?

Is it difficult to show morality through behaviors and mentality?

Are they excused to act that way just because they’re rich-looking?

Money can’t really buy the most important things in this world. Those teenagers only proved that no matter how they look rich, if they don’t have manners, morals, and respect, they still look cheap.

I wonder how their parents raised them into unmannered and rude individuals? But I don’t want to completely blame the parents here because based on my observation, it’s always the will of the child to act morally according to what they want to. Those teenagers can already decide on their own, and if they did something bad, it’s because they want to, not because their parents didn’t teach them right behavior. However, we can’t also ignore the power of influence here, because maybe those teenagers acted that way because those people around them are doing the same, but still, they have the freedom to do good but sadly, they refused to do so.


By the way, few hours after the incident, my other cousin told me that those teenagers were visitors of our relative nearby, and she’s glad that I didn’t mess up with them especially because they’re rich and they can easily turn the table to make me look bad and at fault. I then told her that no matter how rich and powerful they are, if they don’t have manners, respect, and morals, they will always be poor in the eyes of those with good hearts, and that their bad karma will soon haunt them.

Author's Note:

I wrote this article last Month, April 25, but I am too busy to publish it as school works were piled up that made me prioritized them first. But now that I got my free time, I'll try my best to be active in writing here again and regain my interactive side by commenting on others' articles.

Hoping that I am still not left behind here and that I still have someone left to interact with (or, nvm). 😁

Anyway, thank you for those who are still here, to my readers and sponsor. ♥️

Date Published: May 27, 2022

Lead Image: Unsplash

Gif: Originally edited by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


The opposite to this if you are struggling financially, but you have these thing, like respect and morals you can look rich or at least a lot of people will value you for it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Correct. And also, God will bless us for having a good heart.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Totoo talaga yan, kahit gaano pa kayaman ang isang tao, kung hindi naman maganda ang pag uugali, o walang respeto sa kanilang kapwa, walang halaga pa din ang kanilang kayamanan. Kasi sabi nga ng karamihan, ang totoong kayamanan ay wala sa postora o pananamit kundi ang pagkakaroon ng mabuting puso at May respeto sa mga taong nakakapaligid sa kanila

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes po, kumbaga dibale ng hindi mayaman sa pera basta maganda ang kalooban natin, at sure na si God na mismo mag-aangat sa atin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago