The Reasons Why We Should Always Be Grateful

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3 years ago

Sometimes, we feel like life is unfair. Others are SMILING, but here we are, FROWNING. Others have things we don't have, and sometimes we feel insecure. I know alot of us are struggling at this moment, and we all have different battles and challenges we are facing.

But despite of that, there are still some things we should be grateful for. Because we still have:

1. GOD

God is always there for us, to guide us on the way to the brightest path of our future and love us unconditionally despite of our sins. He won't give us challenges we can't pass and all we have to do is trust in him and keep our faith. He is always there watching us and always ready to listen to our prayers. Learn to pray not only because you want something to have, but to thank Him for all the blessings He's giving. In God's hand we can find happiness, piece, and love.


Family is one of the precious gifts that God gave us. Even though sometimes we are having misunderstanding with them, still they are not leaving us, and continue to stay, it is because they love us. We are very lucky to have them who are always there to love, guide, care and sacrifice for us. Sometimes, they may scold us for doing not so right things not because they want to control our life, but they just want the best for us. Having a family, love and care is always present within you.


Not siblings by blood, but siblings by heart. They can makes us laugh, cry, and feel loved. Someone we can lean our shoulders on, and find belongingness in their arms. Real friends are very rare nowadays, so if you have one, you are very very very lucky!!


You still have yourself. Other's may leave you behind, but yourself will never be gone. That's why, as early as now learn to practice SELF-LOVE. If you love yourself truly, you don't have to depend your happiness from other people, because you are creating it in your own.

Amidst the darkness, there are lights around that illuminate our life. You just have to look for it/them. They are just there. Always there for us🤗

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3 years ago
