The 4 Types of Stress: Please Be Guided

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Written by
2 years ago

Stress is an inevitable thing that we usually experience when something doesn't fall into the right place. When stress hits us, happiness seems elusive as sadness and frustration became more dominant to feel.

Actually, that's what I've been through for the past two weeks that I've been inactive here. I am so stress when another academic year came. The first day of our class made me unlucky to the point that I've never wanted to attend any meetings again. I was always targeted by my professors in recitation and I wasn't be able to respond to their questions due to poor connection and damaged microphone. My phone was lagging that time and it wasn't working properly.

On the next day, here comes another stressful time for me. Our dean required us to attend a whole day webinar, but my instructors doesn't excused us in our online classes. I have to attend our virtual meetings at the same time the webinar. I was kinda stressed that time as I don't know which among the two will I focus on. So, all in all, I haven't learned anything at all, as I can't absorb the pieces information being presented to me that time, they all seems crumbled in my mind.

But, despite the uncertainties I experienced for weeks, I am so thankful that everything's going fine already. Last week, I was tasked to present the first topic in our Rizal class, and got to receive a heartfelt compliment from my instructor and classmates. They are all satisfied with what I did, especially in answering all their questions and clarifications.

Another good news is that, I am not alone in my major subjects anymore. Unlike last sem when I don't have my classmates in major, now we are all 4. I know, we are still few compared to other universities where students are crowded, but I am already grateful for that.

Since, stress is a timely problem for everyone, this is what I decided to write as a topic for this article. And so, I am going to share to all of you the different types of stress that we are experiencing. But, before we start, I just want to inform you first that these types are based on what I've read in Deepstash, particularly the article of Amber Murphy entitled "4 Types of Stress and How to Overcome It."

But, I just want to clarify as well that the explanations here in my article are all mine and came from my own thoughts and opinions.

So, here we go...

1. Acute Stress

This type of stress is very common for us to experience. It usually comes quickly especially if we are engaged in a quarrel or argument with someone that makes us upset and frustrated at the same time. But, we don't have to worry about it that much because it will be gone quickly just like how it came.

Let's say for example:

When we are arguing with our sibling, we usually feel anger and frustration that stress us out, but after a couple of minutes or hours when things are settled, the stress will be gone as well.

2. Episodic Acute Stress

When we are so paranoid and overthinker, this type of stress will usually hit us. We often experience this Episodic Acute Stress when we are assuming that something bad will happen for the next few hours or days. This stress is slowly devouring us to think more negative things that will make us attract negative vibes as well.

Let's say for example:

5 days ago, my small wound in my right foot was accidentally licked by my dog. Even if I wasn't sure that time that my dog has rabies, that incident made me feel stressed, overthinking about me getting rabies virus. I was overthinking about many what ifs, just like, what if I will die early. But, I'm thankful that it's been 5 days and something bad didn't happened to me and my dog.

3. Chronic Stress

This type of stress should be resolved as soon as possible as it will cause many health problems as time passes by. This is usually caused by traumatic experience that is very challenging to deal with just like when someone was engaged in an accident, violence, and among others. Aside from that, different diseases are slowly approaching you if you have this kind of stress, so better seek for medical attention if you feel like you are experiencing burnout or mental fatigue caused by a certain kind of stress.

To give more clarification, here's an example:

When a victim of violence had been rescued, we all know that they are not feeling well in a sense that the smile on their face seems elusive and tears fall down from their eyes. The trauma caused by what they've experienced made them feel so stressed to the highest level and they have to be consulted by medical experts or even in a counseling sessions. They really need to be prioritized, before it's too late for them.

4. Emotional Stress

Another challenging and difficult to deal with is the emotional stress. Our emotions are adversely affected by this type of stress and it was usually caused by loss of love ones. When someone we love broke up with us, or when they left us and we know that they will never come back, this type of stress will surely hit us. Aside from that, when a member of our family passed away, our emotional health seems like crumbled and we can't do anything but to grieve and live in melancholy, because we know that we will never see them again in this world and we will surely miss their presence.

For example:

You've been in a relationship for 5 years but, you caught your partner cheating on you with someone he/she knows for just a couple of months. Of course, you will question your whole existence for that, asking what's wrong with you to be replaced by whom you love dearly. The level of stress will be heightened and you can't control your emotions in a sense that you keep on crying and feel sorrow. In that case, you will then be prone to this emotional stress.


These types of stress are very common for us to experience but, it doesn't mean that we will just let them devoured us and won't let us be happy again. Yes, those are inevitable, but we have many ways on how to deal and surpass them all.

If you feel stressed, don't forget to:

  • Breath and meditate

  • Keep your healthy lifestyle

  • Make something more meaningful and divert your attention to more enjoyable things

  • Think positive and don't let negativities to enter your mind and heart

  • Create good habits

  • Talk with your trusted friends and love ones

  • Seek for medical attention when you are experiencing severe type of stress

  • Always pray to our Almighty God because He is the best healer of all time.

Stress might make us feel down but, know that God is with us. It's not always stormy, sunny days are about to come on the next day.

Author's Note:

Date Published: August 30, 2021

Lead Image: Created by me using Canva

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Avatar for Amy05
Written by
2 years ago


Interesting. All these are unavoidable stress which we all go through one way or the other. I have heard than when you go through lot of stress breathe in and breathe out exercise will benefit us a lot. Thats tru to certain extent. Remain calm. As you said there is day after every night.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's what we should do, to remain calm amidst the stressful situations and think of the possibilities on the next day as it's not always stormy. Thank you for reading. ♥️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too last year I've been so stress with our online class but I am thankful that I passed that year because of the help of my Family ang Friends and also with the help of our saviour. I also experience the First two type of stress before and luckily I already overcomed it. And I think a lot of people also experienced that two.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm happy that you surpassed those stressful situations you've been through. We all experience stress but, not all of us can manage to overcome it so I am really proud for those people who are happy now despite what they experienced before.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes thanks po. I hope everyone whose suffering stress now will also overcome it din po.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have stress and paranoia too... i just cope them using social media, thank God for Read and noise :) great advise sis

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Read and noise are my escapes from stress too, aside from freely expressing our thoughts here, we can also manage to interact with everyone that will make us at peace. Thank you for reading, by the way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Honestly I often try to get myself out of stressful situations, and if does reach a point where I can't hold it I scream. just that I scream or listen to music, I know it's weird but it really does help lol

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We have different ways on how to cope up with stressful situations, just like me who finds reading, watching and eating as my comfort hobbies. I am glad that you habe your own coping mechanisms as well. Thanks for dropping by. ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So true

$ 0.00
2 years ago