I Thought, She's Pretty...

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Written by
2 years ago

Being pretty is not measured only by the physical appearance of a person. Deeper than that, character is what important.

It was 9:00 am in the morning when an unexpected visitors came in our house. They were my mom's friend and her daughter whose actually a head turner (in my opinion). At first glance, I got mesmerized by her beauty (pertaining to the daughter). She has this porcelain-like skin, dark wavy hair, a hearty lips, and the things that made me drown in admiration are her dark brown eyes that are very satisfying to look at.

All in all, she's very pretty and all of us, including my siblings and cousins are amazed by her appearance. We welcomed them with heart-warming hospitality like that of serving some foods and drinks, and we even used my mom's most kept plates and cups.

Everything went smoothly at first. My mom's friend is very friendly and joyful throughout the conversation. She and my mom are sharing stories about their everyday lives. I actually felt embarrassed when my mom brought up some of my embarrassing moments throughout their conversation, and I felt really shy upon looking at the beautiful daughter of my mom's friend who seems annoyed which I didn't know the reasons, but I saw in her eyes and how her lips frowned that she was not in the mood.

Me and one of my girl cousins decided to go out from the scene because we're bored on the conversation of elders. But, when I stood from my seat, my mom asked me if I can entertain her friend's daughter by letting her go with us. I immediately said "yes" because who am I to disregard my mom's request? And, I don't want to be rude in front of my mom's friend as my mom didn't raise me like that. I willingly accepted their request and I slightly wave my hand in front of the girl to catch her attention as we are about go out from the scene. She stood from her seat, though she's quite frowning. I just raised my right brow, and then just shrugged my shoulders as my way of understanding her attitude. Maybe, she's just tired from traveling or something's bothering her. Me and my cousin asked her if she's okay but, she didn't answer.

Since we are all girls, we decided to just go in my room. We didn't go outside to tour her in our place because you know, when I roam outside, it's kinda hard for me to go back in our house as I want to enjoy more, but, I won't let myself do that since we have visitors that we need to entertain and my mom needed someone to help her prepare everything.

We entered my room and my cousin and I sat on the sofa that's actually good for 3 people, but the pretty visitor just stayed near the doorway. I thought she's just shy that time but, I was wrong when she uttered something that made me and my cousin felt belittled.

Behind her beautiful appearance, there lies her disappointing character. I am not actually expecting it from her though I felt something wrong with how I looked at her gestures earlier.

Maybe, you're curious with what she said, so here's how our conversation went.

Me: Come on, sit beside us. Don't be shy as you're always welcome here.

My Cousin: Come on, miss pretty.

Miss Pretty Face: No, I'm okay here.

Me: Your legs might get hurt if you'll stand their for a long time. Let's watch movie in my laptop.

Miss Pretty: Who would sit on that cheap sofa? If it's not for my mom, I will never visit this small house with poor people like you.

Me: What did you just say?

I am really shocked with how she talked to us that time. I thought I just heared her the wrong way, so I asked her again. But, she raised her brows like that of a typical antagonist in a movie or drama. OMG, I felt irritated with how she treated us and how belittling her looks toward us. I just want to slap her and pulled her hair until she get bald, but, that thought remained in my imagination and I tried my best to composed myself as I didn't want to do something that will make me look like a devil. I extended my patience (by texting EXTENDPATIENCE to 8080. Charot 🀣), to remain my composure. I also stopped my cousin whose about to punch the face of this pretty (but ugly) lady in front of us.

She (the daughter of my mom's friend) walked out from my room, and went back to her mother like a kid (so immature).

My mom didn't asked me what happened, even though she knew that something bad happened between us and the pretty girl. After a couple of hours, after lunch, my mom's friend bid us her goodbye. She's pretty too just like her daughter, but, their attitude is so different from each other. My mom's friend is so kind like an angel but, her daughter is a devil.

They left our home after the heart-rending goodbyes between my mom and her friend, as if they will never see each other again. But me and my cousin just smiled even though we are sad with how we are treated by the pretty daughter of my mom's friend.

I think, I should refrained from calling her pretty after knowing her attitude and behavior.

I thought, she's pretty, but I was wrong all along.

When the visitors left our home, I told my mom about what we've experienced even though she didn't asked about it. It turned out that my mom already knew everything because while they are on a conversation, my mom's friend told her that her daughter really had a bad attitude. She admitted that she didn't raised her daughter that well with proper manners because she and her husband are very busy with their works before.

That's how I realized that good parenting is really important especially for the kids while growing up.

The parents must raise their kid not just providing physiological needs but also teaching them up with good manners and values that should be imparted on the kid's mind and heart as they grow up and got to interact with people around them. The daughter didn't get much attention while growing up and she wasn't provided with proper care and love that's why acted like that.

Aside from that, pretty face is not enough as an asset to be considered as beautiful. The beauty inside is what matters the most, or simply the character of a person. What's the sense of being pretty when you can't treat other people as good as your face? That beauty will fade someday and will be replaced by wrinkles and dark spots, but, the character will never subside even if your age adds up.

We can't measure beauty just by looking at the outside appearance, we must look deeper than that, until we dive unto the real character of a person's heart.

Author's Note:

This story is purely fictional and it just came from my imagination. But, just like what I'm always saying on my previous stories, the lessons here are what I want to impart on my reader's mind. Though, some of you might find this story as having a lame plot, still, I am hoping that you've gained some lessons that you can apply in real life situation.

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.

May God bless you always! πŸ˜‡ ❀️

Advance Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

Date Published: September 4, 2021

Lead Image and gif: Originally made by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


Natawa ako sa part na "EXTENDPATIENCE to 8080" haha pero grabe ang sama talaga attitude nya. And yes, dapat talaga pinagtutuunan ng pansin yung pagpapamalas ng love at care sa anak para lumaking may mabuting asal.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kung pwede nga lang talaga iextend ang pasensiya minsan, ginawa ko na. πŸ˜‚ Kidding aside, dapat talaga may tamang gabay ng magulang habang lumalaki ang isang bata, para hindi siya lumaki na walang manners. At tama ka po, kasi dapat may love and care lagi para hindi masanay yung isang bata sa masamang asal habang lumalaki siya. Just like yung maldita na character sa story na ito.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is why I don't trust "some" of my relatives.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

They are like enemies that we thought as friends. We shouldn't trust easily even those we are blood related to.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

true, sissy! mas safe pa yung ibang strangers jan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gaya nalang dito, ang babait ng mga users gaya niyo kahit na hindi tayo magkakilala personally. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Grabe. Kaya minsan hirap din magtiwala sa kamag anak eh. Kase kung sino pang kamag anak siya pang nang aapak sayo.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yun po ang masakit na realidad ngayon. Hindi tayo sigurado kung pamilya ba ang turing ng mga kamag-anak natin sa atin, kasi yung iba puro panglalait lang ang alam.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Akala ko din totoo ito haha..pero nangyayari talaga yan in real life hindi lang sa kwento at sa tv. Buti nga friends lang yun nanay mo diyan yung nang api eh mas masakit pag mismong kamag-anak yung nang-aapak sayo.

Mahalaga talaga yung parenting noh kase walang silbi yung meron ka kung wala namang asal..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Masakit nga talaga yung mismong relatives mo yung mang-apak sa'yo. Lalo na pag wala silang makuhang benefits like money, grabe sila makalait.

Oo, habang lumalaki ang isang bata, dapat ginagabayan talaga ng mga magulang kasi, kasi kung ganda ng mukha lang panlaban, wala rin siyang patutunguhan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo tama mas maganda pa tignan ang kagandahan ng kalooban kaysa ganda physically

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yung kagandahan ng mukha kasi maaaring mawala yan kapag tumanda na, pero yung magandang kalooban never yun mawawala sa pagkatao natin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo kayamanan natin yan eh sa ating sarili forever

$ 0.00
2 years ago