I Am Capable Enough

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Written by
2 years ago

As much as we wanted to inform others that we are not weak, there will always be someone out there who continuously doubting our abilities.

That's what happened to me during our online presentation in one of my minor subjects. At first, some of my classmates were mocking/doubting me if I can really deliver my presentation with enough competencies.

I admit I wasn't really confident on this one but, it doesn't mean that I am not capable enough to deliver the content of my presentation. Another reason that I can think of why they are doubting me is that I am not that participative during our online discussion while my teachers are presenting. I didn't pay attention that much when it comes to recitation and I prefer to just mute my microphone in Google class and listen to everyone whose talking during class. I only talk when needed especially when my teachers asked me to answer their questions or when they want to hear my thoughts about a particular concept. I just answered comprehensively then mute my microphone right after I'm done talking.

I am an introvert so I prefer quiet places and situations, and I got exhausted easily when interacting with others, although I socialize too but, with my close friends and family only. Being an introvert is quite hard when interaction takes place but, it doesn't mean that we are not capable enough to do something. We are not just fond of talking and talking but, most of us are intelligent when it comes to intrapersonal aspect. We can manage our emotions well, and we are a critical thinker which means impulsiveness doesn't belong to our personality. We think first before doing something, exerts effort in everything we do especially in terms of preparation.

That's what I did in my online presentation. I prepared everything and I made sure that everything is going to be perfect. I don't want to fail as much as possible so I really exerted an effort to succeed on that one. But, then I was doubted, particularly my abilities when it comes to reporting even though I didn't start yet. They keep on cheering me with sarcasm (I sensed it) and they even asked me if I already took some medicine that will prevent me to collapsed while discussing or any insulting words.

I am only not fond of interacting but, it doesn't mean that I'm weak. I am still trying my best to boost my confidence despite this personality I have but, while building it, other people are there to crush it down. It pained me knowing that instead of motivating me to succeed, they are rather pulling me down to the edge until I fall from the pit of failures.

Despite the heavy feeling, I still manage to maintain my composure and continue my goal, and that is to deliver my presentation comprehensively and as much as possible, perfectly.

At the start of my presentation, of course I gained everyone's attention first and that is through asking them questions based on what they know about my topic, just to test their schema. I showed some abstract photos and asked for their interpretations as well.

One of my classmates who mocked me at first can't answered my questions when I asked him about it. They are all very silent and my teacher was the only one responding. I don't know what happened but, maybe they talked about me on their exclusive chat group.

I started delivering my presentation, explain the concepts well, and I even gave some examples for further clarifications. Aside from that, to test if everyone's listening, I called some names from time to time and asked some questions related to what I'm discussing. Some of them answered me but, most of my classmates who mocked me are not responding.

I just continue with my presentation and receive a compliment from my teacher for discussing well. But, before dismissing, my teacher called the attention of those who bullied/mocked me.

My teacher said that it's never okay to doubt someone's ability because everyone is gifted enough with different intelligence. They were embarrassed with their actions and maybe they are cursing me on their imaginations. It's not my intention to push them in embarrassment, I just proved them wrong by bringing out the best in me far from what they expecting me to be.

Some of my classmates also greeted me with congratulations in our chat group after class but, those who mocked me at first are not responding and were just merely seeing every messages flooded.

I hope they learned their lessons that it's never okay to doubt someone's ability based on what they only see.


Just because someone is very silent doesn't mean he/she is weak. We all have different strengths and personality. Our abilities doesn't only measured by what other people can see, sometimes it's hidden and can shock everyone when shown. We shouldn't train ourselves to easily doubt those who prefer quiet surroundings, as if they are not capable to go out of their comfort zones. We didn't know what runs on their minds and how they are working hard to build their confidence. Let's all be kind always.

Author's Note:

This story is non-fiction, meaning to say, it really happened in real life but, it's not my personal story. This is based on my friend's experiences when she opened up with me about her struggles with her classmates. I am so proud of her for proving everyone that they are wrong with what they think of her. She's just an introvert but, she is very intelligent, talented, and skillful. People are just doubting her based on what they see outside rather than diving deeper in who she really is.

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.

May God bless you always! πŸ˜‡β€οΈ

Advance Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…

Date Published: September 15, 2021

Lead Image: Credited to Unsplash

Gif: Originally made by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


I also experience being doubted by others because I wasn't participative in our class before. I didn't participate but I do listen to my teacher. they were shocked when I got the highest score during exam and from that time they won't say something bad to me anymore.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm glad that you proved them wrong with their doubts. Sometimes, silent people are more intellectually inclined so when time comes, everyone will be shock just like what you've experienced. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Silent people is like a bomb, could explode in the time, mas nakakatakot nga tahimik na tao eh, hindi mo alam kung ano kaya nilang gawin. I am silent type too whahaham mahiyain tlga ako, but I could punch too whahahah

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Correct po, iba magalit ang mga tahimik na tao sa totoo lang. Naku, baka knock out agad kung sino man yang masuntok niyo. πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"Just because someone is very silent doesn't mean he/she is weak." This is so true! We may be quiet but we know. I really dislike those types of people judging someone just because they're silent. Kaka stress!

Great job on your presentation, sis ! πŸ’—

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Truth, minsan kung sino pa yung tahimik yun pa ang may ibubuga, though hindi ko naman nilalahat. It's better not to judge nalang. Thank you. πŸ™‚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly. Someone is remaining silent and people start judging. Maybe that person has ego problem, maybe that person has attitude problem.... Oh what not? I have heard those lines for hundreds of times. You said absolutely right.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

They actually have an attitude problem because if they don't, they won't have the guts to insult and judge someone for being silent. Thank you, dear. ❀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago