Haters Gonna Hate: Let Them Be

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Written by
2 years ago

Haters are everywhere, we can't escape them but, we can ignore them.

I am a typical kind of person who has not-so-pretty face (in a physical sense), has an introvert personality, and I don't have much friends unlike other people who can bring a crowd with their circle of friends.

Since, were just having an online class, I don't go out that much. I am just here at home, studying alone with my phone and earphone on my side inside my room. But, even though I don't go out most of the time and I am not fully exposed with other people, I am still prone to hates and bashes whether here in our physical community or in the online world.

Whenever I go out, some people are mocking me saying I look like a vampire for having a pale skin and for not going outside most of the time. Some are even saying that I might be pregnant because because I am ashame of exposing myself to them. And, some are hitting my physical appearance wherein they said that maybe I always inside our house because I am afraid of getting mocked because of my face filled with reddish pimples.

I wonder why they are throwing me with such negative words even though I am not doing anything at all for them to have reasons to hate me.

Going through my experiences in the online world, I also encounter haters whenever I posted about my selfie or even just a short phrase expressing my thoughts about something. They are always saying that my posts are not valid for them as I am not that pretty and decent enough to be respected.

What's the connection of my face to the word "respect."

Is the face really the basis of being respected? Of course, NOT! But, to tell you honestly, in reality, pretty faces always win in the eyes of biases.

Let me tell you something about it. There's a popular post in Facebook about politics. Different ideolgies are emerging and because I want to express my opinion about it, I commented to the post. My comment is not really offensive and shows that I am neutral on the issue just to be safe. But, some users reacted angry and haha on my comment. Someone even replied that they don't need my opinion there and that, I will just try to comment again next time if I am already pretty on my profile picture. And the sad part with that is when one of my FB friend who happened to be my former classmate bashed me as well and even posted a screenshot of my comment in her timeline that showed how he hated my opinion.

I am not expecting all of that. What am I supposed to do to avoid haters? Honestly, there's nothing to do with it but, to just accept.

Haters gonna hate, we often hear of that phrase whether in several statements or in songs. And that when I realized, that whatever we do, there will always be someone whose ready to express their hates on us. They will do anything to keep us down and our best weapon is to just ignore them or make them as a motivation to strive better.

Aside from being hated for not doing something, we can also receive so much hate if we happened to be successful especially when it comes to envious or jealous individuals. If we are doing something great, they will hate us fully even we are not attacking them directly.

To cope up with all of the negative situations, I just ignored all the haters who doesn't really contributed to my own growth as a person. I just keep those criticisms who can help me to grow and disregard those pure negativities as they were all nonsense to be focused on.

My peace of mind matters than the hatred building upon someone's heart and mind towards me. If they want to hate me, then I will just let them to be. I don't have to worry about it and I don't have to act just like them because I am not that kind of person.

Haters are just there to keep us down but, we have different ways to rise ourselves up.


Few hours ago, I watched Toni Gonzaga's interview with Bong Bong Marcos, or in short BBM. BBM stated there that "if you're making your enemies angry, you're doing great." I greatly believe on that. If we are doing well or when we are succeeding in our chosen crafts, our enemies and haters will fume in anger even more. We can't do anything with that, but to just let them be angry on us. We don't have to be affected with that because we don't have control over their feelings and we can't gain something to let our time be wasted for nonsense stuffs.

Author's Note:

The situations mentioned in this article were not really came from my personal life rather, it was based on my cousin's experience. I just write in first person point of view as if I am the one telling you the story but, let's just take it as if my cousin was the one expressing it. But, the closing thoughts part were my personal experience. I really did watch BBM's interview in ToniTalks youtube channel and that's one of the reasons why I wrote this one and of course, with the help of my cousin's story as a great sample story for this topic. Thank you for leaning your time in reading my piece.

I want to express my gratitude for those who are consistently supporting me everytime I'm publishing my works. To all of my old and new readers, thank you very much for always leaning your time in reading my articles. And to my sponsors, I am so grateful for having you all, I hope you are all doing fine and happy.

May God bless you always! 😇❤️

Advance Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅

Date Published: September 21, 2021

Lead Image and Gif: Originally made by me using Canva

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Written by
2 years ago


Haters are everywhere. No matter what you do, they will always have something to say against you. That's why, instead of minding them. Just ignore them and focus in your life and goals. Let them.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's the best decision ever, given the fact that we can't escape them but, we have a choice to ignore them. Our life and goals matter more than the haters everywhere.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haters gonna hate for real, Amy. Wether you do something good, they really have a say. Maybe they are just too bored in their lives that they tend to focus on other people. Just let them be. Them, talking behind your back? Just means they are behind you. Move forward. Chin up!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

What an incredible thoughts po. You're right, it's better to just be ourselves and don't waste our time for unnecessary stuffs especially from those people who love to bark for no reason.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes. As long as you are being true to yourself. Just let it be.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There are many people in the world who have a permanent job without pay. And they do it of their own free will. I call it ‘hate others work.give a hugs to your cousin form my side.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you. Me and my cousin greatly appreciate your words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The world has a huge number of people having a permanent job without salary. I called it 'Hating others job'. Dear, they will do their jealousy work. No matter what, they will do it. Don’t focus on that.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I agree, someone who has high level of jealousy will always find his/her way to hate someone, and that's inevitable. So, yes, instead of focusing on them, let's just divert our attention to more valuable things.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is so sad to know that there are so many people like those mentioned above. I've been judged negatively in so many ways before and all I did was ignore them. Let them be like that, what they throw at us only defines how unpleasant individuals they are.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right, their actions was reflected depending on what attitude they have and I, myself, experienced all of that too. I've been judge for countless times and just like you, I ignored them and focus more on my goals, though I carried out those necessary criticisms but, take away what's not important.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am so sad about what your cousin has gone through. It's a sad and Painful Reality that we are judge by others through our physical appearances but we can't do anything about it but just accept that no matter what we do, someone will gonna hate us for who and what we are.

Anyway, sending hugs to your cousin. Hope those criticisms and judgment will make her stronger as a person.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thank you. That will surely ease the burden she's feeling right now. You're right, no matter what we do, people have something to say about it. So, all we have to do is to just accept it, the reality we can't escape.

$ 0.00
2 years ago