Trouble In Financial Paradise: A $60 Million Alleged Dog Coin Rug Pull

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Avatar for Amoryarte
2 years ago

It’s all exciting when we joke around meme coins price springing so high. We see it as a joke money forgetting we can also get joke rug pull. This meme coin craze is causing a lot of people to FOMO. You know that feeling of missing out on being an early investor on bitcoin, then there came the canine coin which was supposed to be a joke towards bitcoin. Yeah you are right I was talking about Dogecoin.

Few years ago, as a matter of fact 2 years ago no one really cared about Dogecoin. But for some lucky weird reasons some people bought Dogecoin and held it before the popularity of the coin. Fast forward to the the ending of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, Dogecoin was the star in the midst of other cryptocurrencies. It was looking like a stepping stone became the corner stone type of story. Everybody wanted to join in the meme coin craze and lots of people bought a lot. I bought too, I didn’t want to miss out also. We are all here to make money. The cryptocurrency,Dogecoin, got the full support of the wealthiest man in the world, Elon Musk. I bought more for that reason.

All of a sudden, there came shiba Inu, the supposed coin to over take Dogecoin. Well it did in market capitalization. Suddenly we started seeing people switch their attention from doegecoin to shiba Inu. I mean that’s life, everyone is always trying to make the best gain. We all saw testimonies of how lots of people have made millions of $$$$ buying these coins early, sometimes you begin to wonder, when will I be lucky enough to buy a coin so early it will make me a millionaire by making me millions of dollars.

The quest for early meme coin searching and the latest canine dog(since it looks like that’s the specie coin that makes people rich) coin began.

The latest dog coin that got people pumping their money was the AnubisDAO. Which was supposed to be a fork off the OlympusDAO. It’s ridiculous how desperate people are right now due to FOMO. This is the major disadvantage of FOMO. Scammers are seeing that Dog inspired coins is what attracts naive investors into pouring their hard earned money into. So they use that as a bait.

How do you invest on a coin that has no website just discord server and Twitter account. Don’t get me wrong am not saying a project with a website can’t rugpull. But not having a website is supposed to be an early red flag for you.

Investors decided they were going to make millions of dollars by pouring a total of $60 Million into this project to get ANKH tokens. But unfortunately the developers vanished with the money by transferring the liquidity in the pool to another address. Different investors have been showing their regrets through tweets.

Bounties has been placed on the developers of the AnubisDAO, angry investors are working with the police to apprehend these guys. These developers are just sitting in their homes $60 Million richer.

In investing in meme coins, aside Dogecoin, I don’t trust any dog coin, that was the reason I didn’t invest in shiba Inu. I’m not regretting that even though the profit is outrageously high right now. I also don’t invest in meme coins that have just telegram and discord as a means to communicate and interact with their investors. I don’t trust meme coin with complete anonymous developers. This is because when they vanish, you don’t have any body or a facial proof to hold responsible. And lastly I don’t believe in the next bitcoin,Ethereum or Dogecoin killer project. I believe in having a unique use case and working towards that.


"Good coffee will always find an audience."- Bem Philosophy Coffee

Coffee is an object that has the value of the subjectivity of the most high in the world. If you ask ten random people, to a question “How good coffee to drink ?” of course you will get different answers depending on on who questions that we ask.

Coffee is drunk by a construction worker to increase his stamina is certainly different with a cup of coffee that is drunk by celebgram which think about what becomes of the content instagram in that day. But one thing is for sure, a good coffee will always find an audience.

Find Coffeeshop

For coffee lovers, a day without drinking a cup of coffee will feel empty. So also when we are going out of town or overseas, usually coffee connoisseurs will add the list visit a coffee shop when you go to a new place.

This time, I visited one of the coffee shops in Berastagi, one of the districts located in the district of Tanah Karo Regency, within about 2 hours drive from where I live. Berastagi is a cool town, as a place of refuge citizens of medan city from the daily routine and the routine of work. Berastagi is located in the high land and is situated between two volcanoes, namely Sinabung Mountain and Sibayak Mountain. We can feel the cool air of the mountains when you come to this city. One of the options to warm the cold air Berastagi is by drink a cup of coffee.

Biji Hitam Coffee Shop

I took the opportunity to visit one of the local coffee shop there that Biji Hitam Coffee Shop. Biji Hitam is a coffee shop that has stood since March 19, 2016 and is located in Jl. Kolam Renang, Gundaling I, Berastagi. Biji Hitam Coffee Shop located in the settlement of the population that position a little higher than the road. I came to this coffee shop during the day and on weekdays, so that more can experience the enjoyment and can also chat with the owner of the coffee shop. Just info, as at the end of the week, this coffee shop will be very crowded by customers who come from different cities, mainly in Medan City.

From my experience of visiting the coffee shop and looking for some info about this coffee shop, Biji Hitam Coffee Shop is the first coffee shop in Berastagi which serves coffee with manual methods of brewing. This coffee shop is also the only one who brings third wave coffee. Earlier shop-coffee shop which has been in Berastagi serves black coffee or milk coffee that is brewed in the traditional way.

Design Coffee Shop

A traditional feel to be the hallmark of this coffee shop. To reach the main building, we'll have to ride with the pure use of material stones, and on the first floor of the building functioned as a place of roasting coffee and the second floor is a place that functioned as a coffee shop. When I went to that coffee shop, here again clearly hear the latest songs of Adele played through the speakers of the coffee shop, probably to break the silence or the owner coffee shop again want to listen to the song.

When we get into Biji Hitam Coffee Shop, we could see a variety of ornament unique coffee shop this look so cozy and comfortable. Bench and table in Biji Hitam Coffee Shop using the material of wood used pallets, and looks also there is a table made from wooden cable reels phone.

Design wall colors painted black and wood ornament in some corner of the room and the furniture to be the distinctive style of this coffee shop. When I was in this coffee shop, I like entering into a time machine that move me to a different time. A time where all was so thick with the traditional culture, peaceful and far from the conflicts of life.

Menu Coffee Shop

As a coffee shop that provides a menu of manual brewing, the coffee beans that we can taste is the coffee beans locally from Tanah Karo. Initially, we might be a little confused when selecting coffee beans to manual brewing because Biji Hitam Coffee Shop use 100 % coffee beans local from the village around Berastagi. There are several roasted beans that are on the table bar it is Mount Kaba, Lau Gedang, Onions, Aji Nembah, Beads Huluan, and Aji Julu. All of it, is the name of the village from where the coffee beans come from.

In addition to the manual brewing, there is also a very diverse menu, that is also available in Espresso, Americano, Latte, Cappucinno, and Caramel Macchiato. Don't worry about the taste of the signature Espresso in addition to this coffee shop uses quality coffee beans. This coffee shop is also supported espresso machine from Simonelli latest output. For who don't like coffee, there are also several drinks non coffee like Lemon Tea, Hot Chocolate or milkshakes. To accompany a cup of coffee Biji Hitam Coffee Shop also provides a menu of foods such as fried rice, fried rice, curry and a variety of snacks such as spring rolls chicken, fried potatoes, and grilled banana.

I ordered two drinks, namely Manual Brewing V60 Aji Julu and Earl Grey Milk Tea. For the coffee menu I select based on the recommendations of the owner BijiHitam Coffee Shop. In the coffee I drink, I can feel the sweet fruity like the taste of citrus, acidity of the coffee is also low and the time after taste I feel like the exotic taste, but I can't describe because in addition to enjoying the coffee I also enjoy the atmosphere of the coffee shop and air of the mountains.

For you who stop by to Berastagi, come to the Biji Hitam Coffee Shop. Enjoy a cup of coffee and you will believe that happiness in a cup is indeed true. Thank you for visiting the blog and reading my post, if you feel this post is helpful for other people, you can reblog or leave a comment.

$ 0.16
$ 0.16 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Amoryarte
2 years ago
