New to Silver League, Only 4 days to go!!!

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Avatar for Amoryarte
2 years ago

Last week I pushed myself up to Silver Rating with just a few DEC in rentals, now I am fighting to turn a profit and collect some sweet season reward chests. We are down to the last few days of the league and trying to get cards locked up at a reasonable price is a challenge to say the least. I have spent the better part of an hour today trying to find cards to rent at or above 100CP/DEC. Since I have only played 1 league before this, my card pool is kind of weak other than the blue team I have slowly been building up. Now that I am in silver, a single team is not the best way to move forward so I have to relearn every splinter and try to make just about anything work at a moments notice. The renting strategy I used was just try to rent the best CP/DEC ratio cards I could and fill up every splinter the best I could with my free starter cards and the batch of rentals, then picked up a few 2 mana summoners, and a Brighton Bloom for those earthquake games. Another good summoner to rent would be Mylor Crowling, it was only about 15 DEC a day last time I rented one. Sadly I was out of town for the weekend so that's a few more reward cards out the window.

The last update I posted was just a couple hours before my daily rest and I was sitting with 1008 Rating and just enough power to be in bronze 1, so I started renting cards and got up to Silver 3 with 47 DEC left. (Only cost 30.1 DEC from Bronze1 to Silver 3)

The Cards I rented including cards from my last post for the death quest.

The next Quest I got was a Water Quest, how perfect for me! It only took a few games, I think there was 1 loss in there. The rewards were a couple Venari Cards, one Heatsmith and a rare Venari Seedsmith. At the end of the quest I was already up to 1185 Rating and 111 DEC.

I figured since I would be gone for a few days I would push my capture rate down and see how much DEC I could get. Well, this is where I learned that only having 1 useable deck was not such a good thing; there were streaks of wins followed by a couple losses since the rules can break a deck. I ended up making another 35 DEC leaving at about 60% capture rate, and with another choice for another day with 1300 rating on the edge of Silver 2.

When I got back from our weekend trip and was able to get back in front of a computer, it was time to throw down some more DEC to farm up those daily reward cards. That quest was a Death Quest again, I got wrecked again and lost 160 rating points and 7 DEC from rentals but got it done.

Luckily the quest put me just in the profit for the day and the card was icing on the cake:

Today was EXPENSIVE, rent went up, Guild Dues to be paid, and I wanted a Gargoya Devil and found one for $.05 under any others listed. By the time I started playing I was down to 17 DEC in the bank, and due to my failures yesterday afternoon with the death quest, I only had 86% capture to start with. But hey, at lest I'm 3/4 of the way done renting cards for the rest of the season if they don't get canceled. I always thought that the No Neutrals Quest would be more difficult, but I went 3 for 3 with water for the easy win.

I was so happy with today's rewards that I clicked too many times and missed the screen shot, but it was another Gargoya Lion, and finally I got myself my first BCX of Naga Assassin.

Now it's time to play the waiting game and get my capture rate back up to play some more games for the DEC rewards, fill out payments for 18 more cards for the rest of the season, and get those season reward chests. Only time will tell what the future holds with the massive change to Bronze league rewards and how it has effected almost every aspect of Splinterlands.

Update while waiting to post:
Today I learned that renting cards is yet another RC sink so post before updating rentals to extend through the season. The more you know lol, so this post will be put up in the morning I guess

$ 1.72
$ 1.72 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Amoryarte
2 years ago
