Magikland Experience (Disneyland-ish!) | Negros Occidental, Philippines

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Avatar for Amoryarte
2 years ago

Can you believe today's the last day of April?! It always seems absurd to me how time flies - whoosh!! - just like that. Before we know it, it's going to be the Ber months already haha. Anywaaaay.

I am excited to share with you today's post because this is the VERY FIRST TIME after the March 2020 lockdowns that I have visited a Theme Park/ Amusement Park! It's been two years that I haven't gone on rides and be a kid again in a theme park lol.

I have taken as much pictures as I can so that I am able to show you around the place. Are you ready for a Virtual Day Tour around Magikland? Because I know I am! So let's goooo. 🎡🎠🤸‍♀️

This is what the place looks like from the outside. A little fancy, right? Look at the buildings and structures - that's why it's Disneyland-ish for me haha. I posed here with my sister Ate Eve @eeventuree who's my ride-or-die during our Bacolod Trip. 👯‍♀️

This is the ticketing booth: of course you need to pay before you can enter the place. Once you pay, they give you the plactic wrist bands - your admission pass.

As you can see here, these are the Entrance fees:

₱280 - Admission Pass: This means you can enter the place and if you want to ride, you need to pay tickets to the ride. Basically this is what you pay to enter the place.

₱520 - All-you-can Ride Pass: This is ideal if you want to get a shot at riding all the rides to your heart's content.

We chose the ₱280 Admission Pass since we are not keen on riding and we just wanted to check the place out. Also it was 4:30pm and I bet we cannot make the most of the All-Rides-Pass anyway.

As you may well notice, some rides are for ₱50 and some are for ₱80 - I think it's not that pricy.

Here's a #grouphie of the Magikland #squad - my sizzum, my good friend Jem (who gave us a tour of Bacolod, thank youuuuu) and her niece Beia. 🥰 It was a blast - our visit!! 💖

Upon entering the place, there's an "obligatory" photo, right? This was it lol. In all honesty, I was so happy to be able to enjoy the day and visit this place - I could've been anywhere but nah, my feet took me here. 👣

Of course we had to have a photo together - meet my friend Jem💃 I've been planning to visit Bacolod since 2018 since her invitation that she's going to tour me to places. FINALLY IT HAPPENED and I was so glad she's there to make us feel at home even when we're a bit far from home. Thank you, roomie!❤️

Basically the photos herein are all the looks and bits and pieces of the entire place - yep it's not as big as I had hoped. But I wasn't disappointed though because I did not do a research on this place before visiting. If there's one thing I learned about going to New places it's to NEVER do a research on PHOTOS of it so that you would not have the "Expectations Versus Reality" problem. A research on location, probable spending costs, accessibility would be of course recommended so that you won't get lost and people won't take advantage of you. But to do a little researching on what the places looks like that's some dangerous waters lol. Photos are enhanced on social media so it's gonna appear unreal than what it is. Yep - you just learned a little travel tip from me as well. And you're welcome.

See that Carousel Ride? Yep you bet your ass we rode it! Haha. I posted it sometime this week - my photos of the "very first time" I rode a Carousel! It was silly for adults to do so - yep we know - but we want to have fun and we also did not want Beia to ride on her own so we rode with her! It was a Lotta fun while it lasted. 🎠😁

I personally love this cutesy village. In fact this is my favorite part of the entire Magikland. I mean - look at that! It looks to me like it came straight away from a movie or a setting of a good fiction book. For me, this would always be my face spot around the area.

Magikland is open from 12noon to 7pm. It's located at QXJF+G3G, Consolacion Road, Lungsod ng Silay, Negros Occidental. If you are from Bacolod City, it's just near there ( you probably know that hehe). You're not from Bacolod or non from the Philippines and you are planning to visit and you need more information? Well you can check their official website at and see it for yourself!

And that's it!! We're done with our quick tour around the theme park. It's not as big as you would hope and there were not too many rides - but the place has got its magic. Not to mention kids love it there! With so many sights to see and food and beverages to enjoy, you will go home with happy memories, that's for sure and certain. 🤗

Yay! I hope you had fun with me on our Magikland experience, Hivers! I would definitely go vack there to check on other rides when there's much time to spare haha. I hope you all have a great weekend loves! Kisses🤸‍♀️🎡🎠👣💃😘

$ 0.30
$ 0.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Amoryarte
2 years ago
