Loop Dex Review and Airdrop Analysis using Flipside Crypto

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Avatar for Amoryarte
2 years ago

Hello Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕.

I could remember sharing an article which has to do with the introduction of Loop Finance and I stated it on that same article that Loop Finance is planning to have their own personal Dex which is known as Loop Dex. If you missed out the article, i suggest you check out the article or post link which has been attached at the end of this publication for proper understanding of what Loop Finance is all about.

Today this post will be more focused on Loop Dex and I will also be sharing my analysis about the previous Loop airdrop using data generated from Flipside Crypto. I also use this medium to congratulate users who got the airdrop after they got notified via my previous post about the introduction of Loop Finance whose link can be found at the end of this post. I also hope you won't miss out on the next Loop monthly airdrop. If you really don't want to miss out on the next airdrop, I suggest you read this post because I will sharing with you how you can claim your free monthly Loop tokens from Loop Finance.

A Brief Review on Loop Dex

According to a source from @terralunadaily and @lunarcrush on twitter, it was observed that Loop Finance was one of the top most influential Terra (Luna) project situated at the first position with number of followers greater than forty-four thousands users on twitter as shown in the image below.

There are many factors attributed to this but one of the important reason behind the increasing number of followers is that Loop Finance is one of the top project on Terra (LUNA) blockchain because the project is backed up by strong community members and qualified team members. The project gained more attention with the introduction of Loop Dex in which users are able to claim free Loop tokens. just by holding LOOPR tokens on the website or by providing liquidity on Loop Dex. This is why we really need to know what Loop Dex is all about and the features attributed to Loop Dex itself which makes it more unique in the Terra ecosystem.

What is Loop Dex

Loop Dex is an AMM Decentralized exchange platform developed or built on the Terra blockchain which enable users to engage in crypto transaction such as swapping, staking, farming, creating and adding pools.

There's still more to the features attributed to Loop Dex apart from being a decentralized exchange platform. The team is also working on listing many native Terra assets both existing and new projects on Loop Dex. Also Solana and Etherium tokens will also be listed on Loop Dex with the help of Wormhole Bridge. The project development is still on going as some Terra assets such as DPH, UST, ANC, MINE, LOTA, ALTE, MIR, LOOPR, STT, SPEC, TWD and the greatest of them all LUNA are already available on Loop Dex even though there is still more to come other than these set of assets.

According to Loop Dex whitepaper, the platform will also be allowing swapping transactions between chains such as BNB, LTC, BTC, MATIC, DOT, VET and many others including Thorchain synthetic assets through Thorchain integration. Loop Dex will also be creating incentivised liquidity pools and community pools to allow other projects incentivise their own liquidity pools with their native tokens which can help in bringing a lot of liquidity to the protocol.

Loop Tokenomics

As seen from the image above, the total or available supply of LOOP tokens one billion(1,000 000,000). The 1 billion LOOP tokens will be divided by sharing 5% of the LOOP tokens for airdrop, 15% for private sale, 15% for core team members, 25% for Liquidity Mining Fund (LMF), 20% for partnerships, 25% for community fund, 10% for treasury and the remaining 10% will be used for charity (Loop charitable fund).

Analysis and Data using Flipside Crypto

Flipside Crypto has been one of my best analytical tool when it comes to producing visual representation and generating data about Terra (LUNA) and coins or tokens developed on the Terra blockchain.

I will be sharing my view and analysis about Loop Liquidity providers(Loop LPers) and the Loop airdrop using the data generated from Flipside Crypto by a Sem1d5 (MARNEESEAWEED).

Loop Liquidity Providers between 7/10/2021 to 28/10/2021

For those who are very conversant and well updated about Loop news, the team stated earlier this month of October that they plan to reward users by distributing or sharing 2M LOOP to these users calculated daily over the 22 days (90,100 LOOP daily) just for providing liquidity to the Loop Protocol between 7th of October to 20th of October initially before the date was extended to 28th of October 2021.

There's actually no doubt that some users were also able to utilize this opportunity to earn more free Loop tokens by providing liquidity to the Loop Protocol.

According to the chart shown above, we can observe the rate at which most users bought Loop tokens on the 8th of October 2021. The cause of the increasing purchase of Loop tokens could be as a result of users who plan to earn more Loop tokens by providing liquidity to the Loop Pool as this will make them earn part of the available 2,000,000 Loop tokens allocated for the airdrop.

According to the chart shown above, we can observe the rate at which most users bought Loop tokens on the 8th of October 2021. The cause of the increasing purchase of Loop tokens could be as a result of users who plan to earn more Loop tokens by providing liquidity to the Loop Pool as this will make them earn part of the available 2,000,000 Loop tokens allocated for the airdrop.

Also from the chart shown above, we can deduce that there was a slight increase in the number of Loop liquidity providers during the early month of October to 28th of October.

Airdrop Analysis

The number of users who claimed Loop airdrop is estimated to be above 12,000 users judging from the number of addresses generated by Flipside Crypto.

Some users who claimed Loop airdrop also sold their Loop to UST. The number of addresses who converted their Loop to UST was estimated to be 12,711 addresses as shown in the screenshot. This implies that some addresses who got the Loop airdrop did one of these things. Some of the users who got the free Loop airdrop converted their Loop tokens to UST while some of the users staked their Loop tokens to provide Liquidity to the Pool.

Don't Miss Out on free Loop Monthly Airdrop

You still have the opportunity to start earning free Loop tokens just by holding LOOPR tokens on your terra Station wallet or make sure you earn and hold some LOOPR tokens on Loop Finance just by engaging in the community and creating good quality cryptocurrency contents.

$ 0.36
$ 0.36 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Amoryarte
2 years ago
