Importance of technological power and its dangers in childhood.

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Avatar for Amoryarte
3 years ago

Although today it seems totally common to see a child possessing a technological device and the ease with which they use it. We should not let them do so without prior supervision, we must remember that on the Internet there is a lot of content not suitable for minors.

That a child uses a mobile device is a great advantage, because his mind is in search of wanting to know, yes, they are very curious and want to know everything about everything, on the one hand it is good, but you should also set times or rules, because although the internet is an ally, it can also become a problem, due to the large amount of content that exists on the network, which are available to all users regardless of age and gender. That is, there really is not a good enough filter to prevent these children from entering, apart from the fact that the most common problem is how addictive it is to be immersed in technology, now, if we said that technology brings advantages such as the use of the Internet, where they can get any kind of educational content, where the child is stimulated to investigate and want to acquire more knowledge.

For this reason, it is recommended to have a healthy intervention. Both parents and teachers based on trust, communication and teaching. Emphasis should be placed on the use of technology and its innovations for healthy learning.

Currently the challenge is focused on parents, where they encourage and encourage children to use their creativity and be passionate about education, because the most difficult thing is to ensure that the use of technology is used in a responsible and conscientious manner. Educators also have a great challenge, to keep these children motivated, exploiting to the maximum their skills and creativity, guiding which throws to the middle ground, where you want to get.

One way to awaken interest is by directing the child's curiosity to what really catches his attention, that is why it is important to know first the desires most acclaimed by him, and then use them in his favor, always when working with children, we will find the game of the mediator, that is, to find a balance between what the child wants and what we as professional educators are looking for, in this case, to awaken the child's interest in topics to which he can get a lot of benefit.

The use of technology becomes a problem in children, when they use it disproportionately and without any authority that can govern rules. In many cases, this creates in the child a withdrawn personality, lack of self-confidence, lack of communication and visual addiction. This happens for several reasons, the most common is that parents use technological devices to distract the child so that he/she does not "bother" them in a certain way. The damage occurs when the hours are not agreed upon and the child spends all day on the device, apart from the fact that it is not known what the child spends the hours on, most likely it is not in acquiring new knowledge or of benefit in the future. The lack of orientation leads the child to have no curiosity beyond what catches his attention.

But why education today has changed so much, the answer is simple. The great technological advances and the misuse of youth, the lack of guidance and character of parents, are leading the future to a world where values are the last thing and leisure comes first. I am the kind of person who tells my neighbors how great the Internet and its technological advances are, but I also mention that a bad use can bring great consequences.

On the other hand, large companies are encouraging young people or really people of any age, to work through technology, times ago this was unthinkable, but not today, I agree with the latter, if good development should be promoted, but it should be healthy, that the person feels that he has a commitment to do so, that his life depends on it. Because friends, the more content we generate on the internet, the more quality it should be, why? Because they are not your children, but they are other people's children and someday it could be your children who see that content and then you will know how good it was to do it.

Yes, parents should be psycho-educated, because they are the parents, teachers, professionals of any kind, who tomorrow when they have a family, will depend on them, and everything they have done to get to that point.

If today I am wasting my time in wanting to transmit, to communicate through this medium this information, friends do not ignore it, on the contrary, let us be repeaters, but of things that really deserve to be repeated, not the murderer who killed 20 people, not the rapist of girls, not the gender aggressor, not the mafioso.... Among many things that do not deserve to be disclosed. To publicize people who have done so much damage, only feeds their Ego. The deepest of their ruthless heart.

I like to be able to feel somehow that I can help society and even more when it comes to children, as a father and husband, I have always tried to be an example, not for society, for my family, my daughter above all, I owe it to her as a family man, those people who are fathers, know what I'm talking about, we must have modesty, It should hurt us, what our children will do tomorrow, to promulgate a good education, a good development is the work of us as parents, of the educators as professionals, but above all it is the work of all, something like an interdisciplinary group, if everything has a good gear, then, for sure we will be successful.

To conclude, this is not a complete investigation about what a child should and should not do, it is about trying to make sure that my words can knock on the door of families, about something that is happening every day. And it is something that is worth changing in society, because youth is worth it, it has always been worth it. Happy day.

Once again, a humble soccer coach, father and husband writes to you. May my words not displease you, if you don't like it, I will also understand, there will always be different thoughts. Take care, hugs. Happy Monday. 💕👌

$ 2.35
$ 2.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Amoryarte
3 years ago


I think the kids using technology is good for them and for the society also. I mean it is different to what we used to have in our childhood days but things have changed and we should accept that change. It is called evolution and if they don't go for the latest techs then they won't be able to challenge new limits of science and technology.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What you say is absolutely true. The only thing we have to do is to guide and encourage children to do it the right way

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nowadays even 1year old almost know how to use cellphones and a little bit worry about it,i even cant take it cause without cellphone,he dont want to eat 😔😔😔

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is not a reason to be sad, you can use technology to your advantage, remember that they are constantly learning, just as they like to play on their cell phone or tablet, you can also stimulate their brain with memory games and even placing songs of numbers, fruits, colors. You can always look for a solution, but we must know how to use our cards. Greetings

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3 years ago