A thinking guerrero

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Avatar for Amoryarte
3 years ago

A true warrior knows that life is a constant struggle with himself, a true warrior recognises who his enemy is, above all a true warrior understands when he has been defeated and has the dignity to accept his defeat.

Although it may seem like a mythical tale, we are warriors constantly fighting battles, our battles are internal, that is to say, how difficult it is to be able to accept when we are not at peace with ourselves, even when we have been defeated or when we have decided to stop fighting. The truth is the most difficult of all this is to accept the reality of things, however simple it may seem, it is the most complicated art. How many times have we thought that we have done something that we have regretted? Probably many times, if it is true, there will always be something that we will regret having commented or worse, something that we have done and does not leave us in peace, as silly as it may seem, many times our life remains high because of this type of situations, processes of the mind that remain open torment us daily and that we do not have the strength to bring it to reality and end once and for all with that situation that has marked us.

Worse still, I have friends who have drowned in a bucket of water for not knowing how to face and accept these situations, but as a warrior we must learn to know ourselves better and be able to study our enemy better so that we have a chance of getting out of the hole we are in. But what happens if we don't fully understand what is happening to us? We don't always understand certain circumstances, but that's why it's good to be able to try to understand ourselves better, our response to a large extent comes from a stimulus, so our behaviour will always be produced by something that has generated it, even the most macabre ones have an explanation.

I have always been a fan of the @Samurai, probably because of the type of culture they had, they were very wise people and above all knowledgeable about nature, they understood that we are a very complex being that should be studied and that there were processes that went beyond our understanding, based on these hypotheses they came up with a unique lifestyle, unmatched, these men were truly forged to the same size, great warriors, mainly of the mind, first they had to know themselves, they studied their weaknesses, but from them they got their greatest virtues. It is really exciting when we talk about true connoisseurs of the human being.

Very often similar things always happen to us, all this happens because we really enter into a vicious process or vicious circle, we like to fall into the same thing all the time, we also get used to being in several places at the same time, but why does this happen? It really has to do with our level of attention, there comes a point where we get used to be thinking one thing and doing another, probably nothing we do will go well, so how important it is to pay attention to what we are doing. That is one of the things of the samurai, they were people who perfected the level of attention and above all concentration, they were very methodical but able to achieve it IMPOSSIBLE all this because of their great character.

But how difficult it is to forge the character, the truth is not, it is a matter of habit, it all depends on the frequency in which we do things, also how we manage our level of leisure, so can we become people with a good character? Of course we can, the basis of all good development must be forged as well as character, but you have to be a little strict with yourself.

Children... Children in the early stages are very observant and use imitation as their first skill. First of all they don't know their environment and nothing around them, that's why they are so aware of everything, they learn where and how things are, how to get to them and if they can do it, they will do it. This has a lot to do with their attention span being higher.

But what makes a samurai warrior so special? Basically nothing, what is special is our abilities, maybe some of us use them more than others along the way, what counts are the times we decided to go around the stone instead of stumbling over it, the times we learned that something was wrong and that it was not good to keep repeating the same thing, the young man who said so many bad things and none of them were true, the one who preferred to offend for fear of accepting the reality of things, the one who once lied and got used to live in lies. The truth is that there are many of us who decide day by day whether to be warriors or just pretend to be warriors for fear of being judged.

$ 1.36
$ 1.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Amorporelllano
Avatar for Amoryarte
3 years ago


You're very good at writing. I hope you will be very good and tremendously famous writer on read.cash in future so don't worry your hope will come true 😎

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's what life is all about, warrior or coward. We decide

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3 years ago