The words of a woman in power, don't give up without trying first

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I consider myself an enterprising woman, capable of setting goals and being able to achieve them, there are no obstacles but the mind itself, the reality is only one, living it to the fullest is up to each person.

In my country we are currently living decadent moments before the pandemic, that is to say, Venezuelans already had a very hard life but, instead of lamenting such a bad situation, we became born entrepreneurs, capable of being able to sustain our lives under inadequate conditions.

I don't want to talk about politics, neither to give pity about the conditions in which my country is, on the contrary, I faithfully believe that each person is the architect of his own destiny. Able to build on sediments and thus overcome again and again.

As a well educated woman, with solid values, I have learned to earn my living every day, without resting. Maybe I will rest at some point. Maybe I will continue to work and thus keep my mind free of idleness. The important thing is to have objectives. To set goals. To want to achieve them no matter what it takes.

That we can also recreate our own vision of a not too distant future. It is also part of us. The truth is that we are misunderstood. For many people have plenty of resources of any kind and do not exploit them. Others have absolutely nothing but their great intellect and consider that they have everything.

So maybe it's a matter of perception. Those who believe they have seen it all, have seen nothing, those who swear they can get anything with money, will sadly end up suffering a tragic fate. For money may get them many material things, maybe even a more stable health (not entirely), but they will not have complete happiness. Not because they cannot, simply because happiness is part of us. Those who decide to be happy are ourselves.

It seems that life plays a bad trick on us or that it plays with us. But I certainly don't think so, just like chess, making decisions costs us a lot of work, much more when they have a certain burden, whether work or home.

Today being one of those days in which I pour my best coffee, I lay down on my bed, I start to think a lot of things, maybe they will say that I am crazy but it happens to all of us. Or at least I think so. I don't usually think about the past unless I want to reaffirm a decision, but kindly I think about my future, I have managed to establish myself in the business world. I have managed to have my first clients. But I know I still have a lot of work to do.

What do I think? Maybe it's good that now that I have been gaining clients, maybe it's time to take the second step, being able to position myself in the market may be the most difficult thing, but with faith and a lot of dedication I hope to achieve it.

It has not been easy, maybe because when you start a business you have very high expectations, but when you realize it, you get a very hard blow in the face. It is very hard to get people to trust you and your products. As a determined woman I never questioned my decision to start a business, I knew that if I questioned myself I would end up suffering as many do. So I just had to trust blindly in what I was doing.

It's been several years now, my experience in the marketing area has changed. I had a way of thinking and seeing things that when I put it into practice, it gave me something completely different. It gave me something completely different. That is why I decided to take my life step by step, maybe it is slower but much safer.

That the things I am telling you today are useful to other people is a real honor for me. Besides, being able to help others to try can be very useful; many times we just want to listen to that voice that tells us to do it without any fear. So at that precise moment we decided to change the cards.

"Having a bad choice is very common and, even if you believe that everything is lost, you should keep trying, life was made to enjoy every moment no matter how distressing it may be, making the most of the situation will help you understand future situations and make better decisions".

Remember that the best prevention against the pandemic virus that is deliberately attacking us. Remember that the best prevention against the pandemic virus that is deliberately attacking us is not to expose anyone in our family, take care of the integrity of all as well as yours. Happy day.

$ 0.06
$ 0.06 from @TheRandomRewarder


We can all, to a large extent, be able to handle different situations, the question is: Are you willing to take the path?

$ 0.00
3 years ago