The early mother's relationship and its benefits. (A mother's story)

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Avatar for Amorporelllano
3 years ago

Learning to understand our baby in the first months of birth is of utmost importance, as every moment the child cries, although it may seem the same, it is not.

Communicating in this first stage and achieving a good connection is the job of both the mother and the father.

My Life

My daughter, for me it has been a challenge, all my knowledge about these issues, I had to use it in practice. Now I can say that the theory is not the same as the practice of course. But we can have a greater connection according to the wisdom we have.

Those first days where our baby does nothing but cry is purely the desire to satisfy. The desire to eat (hunger) is also important that the mother in these first days manages to make a link, or well this link has already been developed since our baby was in the womb, what happens when it is born is that this link is strengthened.

It is well known that the baby already recognises the mother's voice, but also when the baby is born, there is that first touch between the baby and the mother. "When my daughter is born, the first thing the specialists do is to give me my baby, after holding her in my arms and breastfeeding her, they take the baby away to clean her and observe her for a moment".

And if you ask me, what was it like? Although it was less than a minute, I remember that moment perfectly, getting to touch my baby after so many months of waiting, getting to see her, to feel her, to touch her, she looked so sensitive.

If you see a mother who has a bad relationship with her daughter, then you are seeing the fruit of bad communication long before she is born. That later continues to be bad after birth and continues until childhood, when the stage of adolescence arrives, it is possible to observe greater deterioration, that personality in development is already taking shape, then there come the clashes between mother and child.

It is not an easy path for a mother and her children, after we give birth then at that precise moment our path begins, it depends on the mother that the child grows in emotional stability, develops all its cognitive processes and interacts with the environment that surrounds it.

I have observed over the years that mothers develop this common sense, for example. Our child cries, you hear family members say, ask questions, does he have something, is he in pain, is he going to be okay? Then, the mother comes out and hits the point. "He just wants to eat, or he is in his nappy, or maybe he is sleepy and wants to have his breast." The mother is able to decipher the cry, and we must remember that our baby only cries at this early stage of his development.

If you are going to become a mother or you already are, here are some personal tips:

If you are going to have a baby, it is good that from the womb you already have a good relationship with your baby, so you can talk for a few minutes and you will feel how that baby jumps in.

It is well known that our baby can also feel, rub your hand on his tummy, gently slide it all over his tummy, you will feel how your baby moves, he also likes this kind of affection.

When you are going to eat something, it is good to talk to him and tell him why it is good to eat it. Babies also eat what their mothers eat, so if the baby recognises that he is eating, he will have a good selective memory when he eats.

It is not good for our child to listen to loud music, because it is also not good for him to listen to loud notes. It predisposes him very easily.

After birth, quickly identify why our baby cries, every cry has a reason. It is up to us to be able to decipher it quickly, so that we avoid stressing our baby.

Playing music after birth, you can also do this, it will directly stimulate the baby and help with cognitive development.

My daughter, although clearly not all children are the same, in part it depends on us parents, stimulation is important and better if it is at a very early age. My little girl is very agile, both physically and mentally, she learned to walk at 8 months, she can formalise words at 14 months, she can identify colours, she has excellent retention.

Small details make big changes for sure. The important thing is to do it at the right time, to be able to hit the nail on the head, will give success, between your baby and you, have a happy day.

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Avatar for Amorporelllano
3 years ago


As a mother, I understand you perfectly. We have to be very aware of

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