Living one day at a time

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Hello friends, good evening, I hope you and your families are well. Today has been one of those days where I have been thinking about what this pandemic has left us, and what we have lost. What have we gained...

In my case, it has left me a lesson, that my days were only work, and I had no time for my loved ones and especially for me, I spent most of the time thinking about my work that I completely forgot that it was to sit and enjoy a nice time with my family. What makes me sad is that something so terrible had to happen, like this virus and thanks to that I have been able to open my eyes, yes, it is true it is very terrible, because this has changed our lives forever, starting with our lifestyles, nothing will be the same, we have burned confined to live for many years with a mask and in some cases gloves, others no longer go out for fear of catching it and losing their lives, and many others are already suffering the consequences of this great threat. Any of these options have one thing in common: we have had to change the way we live.

It is true that this pandemic is terrible and has forced us to stay at home and go out to work to Media, and that many people do not know how to cope with these situations, the level of anxiety has been growing and some collapse, but how much we can do to change this situation depends on us. My husband has taught me that no matter what happens we must always look for new ways, that the best thing we can do in these moments is to think dynamically and look for new ways to recreate our routines, so our psyche does not end up collapsing....

if we are at home we can follow our training routine, well my husband nothing stops him, and in a way I feel that I have learned from him, he always looks for solutions where others see obstacles, he always looks for a way even if he has no way and yes, he always solves... in a way, adopting this type of behavior seems to me quite forceful and much more in the situations in which we must live now, locked up and unable to go out almost anywhere, probably the human being will take a few years to adapt in this way, it is really not easy to have to assimilate all this. But that's the way it is.

If you are wondering, what happens in the picture above, he was supposed to be training, until my beautiful daughter arrived to stop the routine, haha looking on the bright side he rested for a few seconds, which is quite reasonable.

As an old Proverb says, "if you can't beat the enemy, join him". So he had to end up training with her by his side, they look so beautiful, the best thing I like about all this is that my daughter feels that her father takes her into account and then she feels the desire to want to help him, the father/daughter bond that exists is very strong, and well that has been earned by him, how nice it is when relationships are consolidated in this way, in other words, there is a fairly balanced family scheme, because we are both parents, because our daughter feels and observes that her parents are there for her at all times and that they really love her too much.

I don't really know what calls my attention more, if the training or my daughter's pose, this photo captures the very essence that my daughter possesses, foolishly an art that position, let's skip the part where my husband is doing the exercise wrong, haha beyond all that, I liked this photo a lot. That exercise you can see is called dead weight, obviously I tried to use the baby as a weight, obviously I couldn't hold her in the right way. If you wonder why I know so much about exercise routines, well I was an athlete almost half of my life, then I spent several years training in gyms until I got pregnant, I am not currently training, I hope to do it soon.

This exercise is very good to have a good resistance, and a greater lung capacity, by the way recently I was reading an article and it really caught me, the interesting thing about this article is that it mentioned that humans do not know how to breathe properly and that's why there were so many respiratory problems, the truth is that I do not know how true this is, but if it were really serious, then we would be facing a unique case, because the human being breathes from the moment he leaves the womb and does it automatically, but if it has some logic, this article because no one then tells you how is the right way to do it ... unless you have breathing problems and you are under observation is very different, but if not, nothing happens. (I do not intend to form rhetoric, with the above mentioned, nor do I intend to delve into this type of subject because they are not my forte, it's just a thought on my part).

If you are wondering, why I was not training, well today I have not felt well at all, product of my menstruation, these days for me are fatal, I do not even get out of bed, just eat and sleep, I do not know why the woman touched this, I have always said that the man should have touched something similar, haha to see how they cry, because they are cowards ... they have nothing macho, my husband is a coward when he feels bad, and if you see him on the street swear that he is very brave.

On the other hand, and ending this blog, dear friends, THANK YOU because I have noticed that there are several people who are pending to read my blog, really if they enter here and ask themselves, what are they going to get? well in short, will be small fragment of my life, a kind of diary, maybe every day I will publish or maybe not always, tpdo will depend on how I feel that day and if I really have availability to do, hopefully we can get to know each other better, I am someone sweet who likes to make friends, but make no mistake I am not looking for something beyond dd a friendship, I am alguiien committed and with a beautiful daughter depormedio. Greetings and take care of this virus.

Take care of your loved ones, the best cure is not to get sick, to foresee this virus is the best alternative, use all the parameters that exist to protect yourselves and your loved ones. And you will not have to regret anything, to take this virus lightly, probably, is to tempt death in the flesh... TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES A HUG AND KISSES.

The photos are my own, taken from my Samsung J2 Prime.

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