Fear or Courage (Let's Play) part #2

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Avatar for Amorporelllano
2 years ago
Topics: Story, Horror, Creativity

What seemed to be a simple teenage game for Anton and Flora ended up becoming a real nightmare, both young people began to experience strange circumstances. Anton after learning about the strange event that almost took the life of his partner Flora, decides to confront this paradigm in which now both are involved, the evil that was stalking them was getting stronger, so he had to find a way to know what was happening, He decided to go to the house of a classmate called Franklin, he was that typical classmate who liked all kinds of paranormal things and always had a new hypothesis to tell, Anton was not very sure that Franklin could understand how dangerous the matter was or that he might not believe everything he had to tell him, but it was that same anxiety and latent fear that made him take that hasty decision. On the other hand, Flora was still confined in the ambulatory as if by some miracle the blows had not been hard enough and she was improving rapidly. The events happened so fast that even for Flora it was difficult to remember and no matter how hard she tried to recreate the moment of the accident she could not do it. Like shards of broken glass there were only very blurry images of how it all happened. What she did remember was that moments before a person who was near the scene of the accident had intentionally bumped into her and had said "let's play", the same words she had heard earlier in the school bathroom. Something was happening and for Flora everything was clear, everything had to do with that night in which he and his friend made a blood pact that for them was just a game and simple curiosity although the reality was different.

After several hours of searching Anton managed to find Franklin, at first he wasn't sure if he wanted to tell him everything that was happening but after chatting a bit with Franklin he became more confident and ended up telling him everything that was happening, to which his companion was impressed saying the following words "every blood pact has a cost, What was strange for Franklin was how that dark energy had ended up involved in all that, perhaps the problem had not been the pact but the moment or the place itself, they were probably not alone and that evil that at that moment was also close by ended up being anchored to a very dangerous game. For Franklin it was all clear, Anton and Flora had to continue playing but first they had to know the guidelines and the only way to know the rules of the game was to confront that evil energy that always ended up appearing when something dreadful happened. A day had already passed since the last time they had had an encounter with this spectre and it was only a matter of time before it appeared again, so they had to be prepared and start the game again, that game that for both young people was totally alien and that they had entered without having any knowledge of anything just because they wanted to do something different.

Both young people meet again as usual, almost 24 hours had passed since the last encounter with that evil energy, so they decide that they must look for answers and the best way was looking to have communication again with that thing that haunted them, while they were talking and thinking what they could do lying on Anton's bed suddenly a loud bang is heard in the kitchen of the house, both young people clearly heard the loud and resonant sound, they decided to go out quickly to see what had happened but to their surprise there was nothing different, Then they quickly heard how someone began to run up the stairs to Anton's room and shut the door tightly, not knowing what to do and scared to death both teenagers began to feel anxious, Flora went into a state of panic shouting "I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die) while Anton much more sensible said "calm we must think well, is what he really wants us to be anxious and not manage to think clearly" to all this Flora decides to trust Anton and both young people shout loudly "Whoever it is. LET'S PLAY" suddenly the whole house starts to feel heavy and the lights start to fail, then that dark voice says "Not everything works the way you want it to, it's my game it's my rules" However Anton responds "If you want to play it's time to do it, but tell us what exactly do you want from us? "Nothing is heard and that silence in the whole house falls, without answer Anton full of anger and rage shouts again "let's play but tell us the rules" Then the TV and the radio are turned on at the same time and the following words are heard "I'm everywhere, you wanted to play and I'm here for you, I'm alone I don't want you to leave ever, So let's play " Anton was not going to let this evil thing take over both of them at its whim they were nobody's plaything but he was also aware of the great power of this (thing) it had already tried to hurt both of them and it wasn't just in their house it was in different places, so whatever it was this thing had the power and ability to be in both places at the same time worse still to move and make strange things happen. Flora, perplexed by what was happening, has a moment of courage and shouts "if we win you will leave us alone" suddenly an object shoots towards both Anton manages to get away and Flora barely manages to evade the object which hits against the wall, both frightened young people run out of the room scared to death and not knowing what to do they begin to feel the fear taking hold of them without being able to do anything. Knock Knock... the door of the house was heard, both Anton and Flora did not want to leave the room for fear that something would happen to them but the door of the house did not stop ringing, so they were armed with courage and decided to run for help, they go down quickly and opened the door, there was his partner Franklin, Anton says "what are you doing here? Franklin answers "I think I know how to solve your problem" quickly Anton says "come in and come with us quickly, Franklin enters and they all run quickly to Anton's room when suddenly something begins to appear that dark energy that they saw before begins to take shape, with elongated limbs and large claws, thin legs and face erased that (thing) had made its appearance and for the young people it was not very good news, then Franklin shouts "Creature of the darkness look for your way leave this place and look for the clarity of the eternal light" the creature begins to fade appearing to have finished everything and after a few minutes it manages to enter the body of Flora this without being able to do anything and to avoid that the evil enters his body ends up succumbing before the power of the (thing) that begins to attack Anton this as he can defends himself although the unevenness of forces was overwhelming, So Franklin takes the lead and makes a somewhat risky action, embraces Flora and begins to say a prayer while he begins to scratch and squeeze harder and harder, Franklin begins to feel the fatigue of the great strength of the demon itself and his body gradually feels as it runs out of strength, while Anton is lying on the floor unable to do anything just watching what was happening the fear had taken over his mind and his body had no ability to respond to any situation. Franklin in a last gasp shouted "Anton come back here, find your courage only you can overcome it is your own fear that is destroying us" then Anton came to his senses and as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown at him he quickly thought of the words that Franklin had mentioned earlier "my own fear, Anton stands up and takes Flora by the arm, she looks at him without any reaction and smiles suspiciously while Anton shouts "Get out, creature of darkness, find your own way and leave me and mine alone", then everything changes again, Flora falls to the ground, Franklin finally manages to breathe normally again, everything is quiet and after several minutes everything seems to be normal.

A week passed and everything was again as it had been before what had happened, for Anton and Flora would never make pacts again, and even less so if it was something dark and diabolical. While Franklin was a little more perverse, not only had he acquired the entity that was chasing Anton and Flora but he had also made it part of him, coexisting in his body as one, he had allowed that night instead of freeing the others this demon entered his body and took possession of it serving as a vessel for the spirit so that it could have a body in which to inhabit.

This story will be continued.

$ 1.26
$ 1.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Amorporelllano
2 years ago
Topics: Story, Horror, Creativity
