a new beginning (Grand Tour)

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Avatar for Amorporelllano
2 years ago

In an unexplored world there lived on a remote island a civilisation of nomadic people who were experts in survival and with great ability to solve problems, the ability of these people to cope with the adversities that arose daily on the island led them to become experts in different areas, such as fishing, agriculture and even invented a novel method to filter water, They understood that they could not fight against the island and had to learn to be part of it, also living with the different species of animals that lived there, which every day was getting worse, the few predators that lived on that island knew that they had to hunt to survive even if they had to put their lives in danger, our story just begins and begins with a young boy named Iman. Iman was a young son of one of the leaders of the village, although what characterized him was his great ability to get into trouble, although he was a young man with good manners his great ability to commit mischief gave him the name "Cualu" a word that among the villagers meant "not very serious and relaxed person" Iman was not alone he had great friends, classmates and also of daily coexistence, They were very close and everything seemed to be going well until one day the unimaginable began, the island began to vibrate and although the villagers certainly did not understand what was happening they knew it was a bad omen, Gio the oldest man on the island said "we must leave the island or we will end up just like her, while Chaos the leader of the village thought differently for him vibrating was only a sign of "big changes" although both parties were right one of them had much more wisdom since the change was imminent only that it was not for the better but to sink into the depths of the sea, Iman on the other hand while walking one day along the coast he came across a small boat, The sea had dragged to the shore a frame that barely kept floating, Imam to see such a wonderful gift did not think twice and decided to start with a plan far-fetched enough and lacked a little wisdom as it was to enter the great waters of the sea and seek new lands, lands that really could give him a greater life.

For a long time he sailed, Iman knew he had to be patient, the days were getting harder and harder, there was hunger, desperation, restlessness, but for Iman all that had a meaning, the meaning of knowing how to wait for his moment and to discover new lands, a paradise never seen before, maybe it was something fantastic for some people but for Iman it was something real, it was in his mind, in his dreams, He had already touched land and had already felt the air running through the trees, sliding everywhere and all the children of the village running, it seemed something out of place and that perhaps it would only end up being just a dream, weeks passed and Iman was still solid, his thoughts had not changed and he had to continue sailing towards the nothingness in search of everything. After almost 2 months of sailing and his hopes shattered, Iman was at the breaking point when suddenly he saw a bird, something that logically told him that there was land nearby or at least that bird was not lost and had simply gone out to look for food, Iman decided to chase that bird, which like a compass guided them for a long time, Iman had hope again and everything got even better when suddenly he managed to see an island in the distance, Iman could not believe it, they had crossed the sea and he was seeing in front of his eyes the fruit of such a risky mission, he could not believe it, perplexed and stuttering he started to cry, he had achieved it, he had obtained new lands and they were there, in front of him. ..

When arriving at the coast of the great island, Iman decides to go himself with a group of men to be able to know the land and to be able to give a good tour to the one that soon will become his house, he knew the existing dangers and much more of a land to which he does not know much, Iman was not going to take much in realizing how difficult it was going to be to live in that island, The Maikon were huge felines with big nails and very sharp teeth, they had a great ability to hunt and corner their prey, they were not very strong but what they did have was a lot of intelligence, they learned to read their prey and then attack and be effective. Iman had never had such a fearsome enemy before so he had to be cautious and try to keep those animals away if he really wanted his family to live there. As for the vegetation, it was abundant and there were a lot of birds, it probably had everything the tribe needed and for Iman that was good apart from the dangerous animals that also lived there.

When arriving at the coast of the great island, Iman decides to go himself with a group of men to be able to know the land and to be able to give a good tour to the one that soon will become his house, he knew the existing dangers and much more of a land to which he does not know much, Iman was not going to take much in realizing how difficult it was going to be to live in that island, The Maikon were huge felines with big nails and very sharp teeth, they had a great ability to hunt and corner their prey, they were not very strong but what they did have was a lot of intelligence, they learned to read their prey and then attack and be effective. Iman had never had such a fearsome enemy before so he had to be cautious and try to keep those animals away if he really wanted his family to live there. As for the vegetation, it was abundant and there were a lot of birds, it probably had everything the tribe needed and for Iman that was good apart from the dangerous animals that also lived there.

Iman had managed to establish a new north for the whole tribe but he knew that his journey was just beginning he had to start thinking about the months ahead and all the adversity that lay ahead so he began by creating good huts, he had to reinforce those houses so he devised a plan, take the biggest and thickest trees and turn them into huge splinters that would then be used as roofs in the future. He took the biggest and hardest rocks on the island and began to make a kind of wall, carving out each touch and beginning a plan that again to many was excessive but to his knowledge this was still nothing more.

$ 0.62
$ 0.62 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Amorporelllano
2 years ago
