A Horror Story (Let's Play)

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Avatar for Amorporelllano
2 years ago
Topics: Story, Writing

On a dark night like any other night where everything seemed to be normal, unexplainable things were happening, Anton and Flora two young friends were used to play video games every night and then watch a horror movie, on the other hand that night was different both young people decided to do something new. Anton was someone very curious and was always looking for a way to satisfy that curiosity, so while he was reading a book of dark magic, he had a thought one that among the most twisted people would not be easy to imagine, his macabre mind had the idea to challenge death itself and play a game in which there was only one winner. Guided by that hunger of wanting to know a little more about the dead and exposing his own life and that of his friend decided to play a game one that involved dark magic, for flora everything seemed ridiculous but for Anton everything was different although he did not know the consequences of trying to circumvent the eternal darkness knew the danger in which they were getting, both young men began a ritual one that would not be easy to deliver, they cut the monkey and made a pact, one where only they were the only ones who could undo the pact and the only way to do it was beating the same death. They promised to outwit death as many times as possible and if nothing happened in any of them, it was really written in their lives to stay alive one more day.

That night began what for both young people would be the worst decision of their lives, driven by curiosity and that insatiable thirst of wanting to know everything and even what is not known, they began a game that perhaps would not have the best consequences... The next day both young people went to class and then one of them would have to expose himself to some event that would somehow challenge death itself. So Anton went to the bathroom and when he entered he did not notice that something dark was also in that place. He starts to hear some footsteps approaching quickly and when he turns around he can't see anything. Anton panics a bit but he starts to breathe slowly and thinks that it was all just a trick of his mind so he decides to leave, but before leaving he sees how a prayer is formed all over the place saying "Let's play, let's play...". Anton starts to run and manages to get out of that place so fast that he doesn't notice that his friend was about to enter the same place unaware of what was happening Flora enters the bathroom and there is nothing strange so he decides to do his need of that moment, he washes his hands and in a second he begins to have a kind of illusion and that water with which he was washing starts to turn into blood... Flora with much fear raises the face for his surprise his Name was written in the glass of the bathroom all in blood flora very scared begins to scream and decides to leave running only that he did not have the same luck of his friend the door of the bathroom is stuck and something dark begins to make presence in the place flora dead of fear begins to call to his friend asking for help and with nothing else to do enters in total redemption and that darkness becomes increasingly greater to only say.... Let's play Flora", scared to death, answers "what do you want to play? who are you? that darkness surrounds the whole place making a strong presence and a thick voice is heard .... I am the one who decided to play with you that night Flora you must play or die trying. At that moment Flora doesn't know what to do and hears noise outside the bathroom, it was his friend trying to enter, the door opens and his friend enters to look for him, at that moment both youngsters start to cry and ignore completely what is happening... Anton begins to shout "we were just playing it was not true" the voice does not respond and that scared young man decides to leave taking the hand of his friend both young people run away at the time they leave class and both young people and go to their homes happened something out of the ordinary. While Anton was trying to cross the street a young old man looked at him and said "play it's your turn" Anton didn't say anything and kept walking but it was very strange. Then something strange happened, a car went out of control and headed towards where Anton was, he realised that the vehicle was out of control, decided to run away and managed to evade the car by very little, then, as if in a kind of illusion, the young man managed to see on the glass of the car a word that said "You got rid of the first robbery", with an incredulous and anguished look, Anton could not believe anything and went home. While his friend Flora was not going to have the same luck on his way home, walking along the pavement of the street, some workers from a building site dropped some tools from a fifth floor, one of them falling on Flora and mortally wounding the young man who, without knowing what was happening, felt that his life was slowly ebbing away.

On arriving home Anton receives the news that his friend has had a serious accident and that he is in a very bad state of health. Distraught, he begins to cry, repeating over and over again.... It's all my fault... It's all my fault... Unaware of what was happening Anton decides to confront that evil darkness and begins to shout in an angry voice "come out of wherever you are I need to talk to you" he gets no response so he keeps repeating over and over again until he gets nothing for a long time he gets tired and begins to cry because he is so angry with himself.... At that moment some shoes fall off the shelf and he observes in detail how one of them starts to move, one of them goes flying towards the window and he gets up in surprise and decides to look out the window as if something wanted him to look out, After looking out he manages to see his friend standing in front of his house like some kind of illusion, he decides to run quickly to hug him, to his surprise when he leaves his house there is no one there and very surprised he decides to go inside and when he closes the door of his house he hears some steps in his room and he, scared to death, starts shouting "I'm going to go in". He is scared to death and starts shouting "Flora get out of there" he has no answer and decides to go by himself when he gets to the room he can't see anything and starts crying again until he he hears again that dark and scary voice "let's play again" Anton with a lot of rage shouts "what the hell do you want from me? Then the young man realises that what was there with him was nothing more than something dark that had been invoked by them the day of that night and that he did not know how to overcome or how to confront it, he was just scared and very nervous.

This story will continue ...

$ 3.32
$ 3.31 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Niazi420
Avatar for Amorporelllano
2 years ago
Topics: Story, Writing


Story was interesting. I have a question Is this was real or fiction ? Btw, waiting for part 2 . Keep it up.

$ 0.00
2 years ago