growth through youtube and other platforms

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Avatar for AmmarAhmad
3 years ago

My first post -

I don't know if you people will read my article or not but it's my first article so do support me so i can write better... :)

This is my first post ever on I recently got diagnosed with covid and that's why I'm in complete isolation. So i had free time so i was searching for various platforms to earn some extra amount and that's how i found

How i found

I was scrolling through youtube where i passed by a video saying: how to earn bitcoin cash in 2021. I was in the view that bitcoin is really expensive and it's nearly impossible to earn botcoin cash these days but i was wrong.

How i started

I was told about but a famous youtuber whom i follow. He's a really intellectual human being and he told about he's been supporting this website since so 1-2 years. So he suggested me about it and now I'm here because of him and I've read few articles and the community seems really nice and everybody is so good here. Hope to build nice supportive audience and together we can support and support each other.

$ 0.00
Avatar for AmmarAhmad
3 years ago
