What is required for productive Home Gardening.

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2 years ago

Home gardening is a good hobby where you get physical work with mental relaxation. We can grow fresh , organic and seasonal fruits and vegetables at home. It is easy and simple to do just need some experience and some thing to follow.

Home garden can fragrant your home . If not interested in vegetables and herbs , go for flowers. It will look amazing , fragrant and talcum around. You will feel a pure freshness in every corner of the house.

It doesn't require your too much time . May be just 10-15 minutes a day enough for watering , cutting and puffing.

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Here are some points according to my personal experience to follow for better results and successful home gardening.


If you have free space in home , Choose the right location for gardening at your house. In yard a place where you can see , observe regularly. That will make you more spend time in it and if using pots for it then also make sure about location which gives good visibility.

Circle of Sun.

Misjudging sunlight is common mistake. Pay attention to how sunlight plays through the yard because plants, vegetables, fruits and herbs need at least 6 hours light in order to thrives.

Water Resource.

Always choose your gardening place near to water resource from where you can run a hose to your garden easily.


Invest in soil . If you have already a good soil it will be fine otherwise you need at least 12 inch deep fertile soil that is rich nutrient and well drained.

Right Plants.

It is important that choose right plants that match your growing conditions. Do your home work and pick verities which are good in your area according to weather conditions. This thing is so important to get better results otherwise plants will not grow as they should.

Know the Dates.

Planting too early or too late can spoil your garden. You must know the frost dates for the plants and season. The germination time , watering period , fertilizer time . Seasonal herbs and spices required more consciousness in this term.


Apply layer of mulch of 2-3 inches deep around each plant. This will help to reduce weeds by blocking out the sun and reduce moisture evaporation.


High quality nutrition is most important for plants. It will be super garden successful formula. The feed for plants are available in market or you can make it at home by mixing fertilizer, wastage of animals and spoiler wood.


You required the basic tools. Which will enable you to made it easier. You need gloves , pruners, trowels, watering hose , shovel, garden folk and plants food.


Some photos From my home garden which I took today & yesterday by my cellphone.

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Happy gardening.

All the photos are mine and taken.


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2 years ago


I'd have loved to be a horticulturist and learn more about the beauty of flowers but the chance wasn't left for me but you've done a good job for me to learn about the gardening process

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is pleasure for me that you gain something from article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can say that you take very good care of your plants sir. I can see in the pictures how healthy they are. You are the same as my mom, you also love to plant.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes dear it is my hobby too . Loving plants helps me to be fresh and fragrant. I feel unknown pleasure by sitting amoung them . Best regards!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For home gardening, free and specific part of the soil is necessary, unfortunately we don't have too much free space in home for gardening but we grow mint and garlic In different parts.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That is true , we need at least 100 square feet place to get the best . Still it is good that in pots you arrange some herbs like coriander and mint .

$ 0.00
2 years ago