We are healthy & alive !!

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2 years ago

Saturday , 8th January 2022.

It is a huge blessing of almighty God that we are alive , healthy and prosperous. Some people always complain about their life and says that Almighty not gives us enough to live politely. If you not happy from your life then you must visit any graveyard or cemetery of your town. Why? To know your worth and time which Almighty already gives you. So you are lucky enough that still have time to pray , time for good deeds , time for praising , time for your parents , time for struggle.

Take your time one day. Wear a good suit and go to the biggest graveyard in the town.You start reading the grave epitaphs from one corner to the other . You all Look at the status of the graves. You will feel that most of the people sleeping in these graves were far ahead of you in terms of position. People used to shave twice a day. They also had lightened homes and vehicles but today has become dust. And their fate is gone.your helplessness and arrogance nothing because you still breathing but when breath out of their lungs and forgot to come back and then these people traveling on the shoulders of others, Arrived here and never returned back.Like his death, his authority, his arrogance and his inevitability were all wrapped up in his epitaph.

Just sit at the corner of the graveyard and look at the graves spread around you and ask yourself how much time I have lost? You have to question with you , I am sure your eyes will open and you will say Thanks Lord for your breaths. I use always this word , Al Hamdo lil Allah , means all the praisings are only for God.

Health is another great blessing which we normally not consider or thinks. To know the worth of your health , just plan any day and go to your city hospital. Each bed of patient has a story . Every thing available but can't eat , drink . If eat then can't digest , if digest then can't get energy . People offer there what ? Took all my wealth and give me health . Because they can't bear more pain which kill them in high vilocity and tender.

Just only one organ " eyes" . After visiting deff & blind ward of hospital , you will know the worth of your eyes. So each part of body is blessing then over all heath to live , eat and sleep is most worthy thing which Almighty God bless us.

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Closing paragraph:

Almighty God always shower his mercies and uncountable blessings on us which are unconditional and pure his love to us . Now it is our turn to praise him , thanks to him because still we are healthy and alive. Took this healthy living life as a chance to serve others , humanity and around.


Thank you so much for reading . Like & leave comment if any questions regarding you have .

Lead image: pixabay

Second image: pixabay


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2 years ago
