communities & rules of submission

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago
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Community stands for group of people with specific mind set , traditional values and unique common living. There interest are common and thinking , considering value are equally important.

Communities on social media like Reddit , uptrennd and read cash represent the common thinking , a specific topic / subject / field for some users which gives space equally to everyone to share his knowledge , skills and experience. communities. is a part of internet world. The posts/ articles are visible to read to everyone who use internet. If we enter the world " BCH adoption" in Google search bar we will get such recommendation from it

Screen shot from Google

So these blogs from this plateform are accessible to everyone. So these are not only for read cash users only .

Any person can create the community of his own with its rules and name . A interesting thing in name is we will see some numbers in brackets like (5e5e ) . These numbers are auto generated by system to make it unique. Just within three steps any one can create it . Go to create a community , choose the name , topic and specify the rules.

Edited by me on polish app

Owner/Moderators Role.

Every community creator sets some specific rules for submission of articles. He nominates some valuable users as Moderators to share the work pressure which approve the submission in absence of creator . He can reject any post which not match his standard & rules of community. He makes sure about of

  • Content language

  • Plagiarism

  • Religiousness & politicised

  • Racism

  • Matching to the rules

  • Matching to the topic

  • OC

If any of our article get rejection from any moderator it doesn't mean our content is weak or bad . It means our topic not matched with his set standards. Normally three consecutive & successive approves put us on auto approved mode.

A community can give us better space to display out content with more visibility and flow of users. Then other hand , how useful our content is ? More unique and based on useful information gets wings quickly.

Choose the community wisely according to the script and its massage. It will help to grow our profile , image and circle of friends.

Important communities .

As I said earlier that everyone can creat a community. Currently some communities are active and visible more as I observed like

  • Just write (e5e5) accept all the topics (recommend for newbies )

  • Baija Wazobia (9ea9)

  • Word today (7off)

  • Philipino readers (42bb)

  • Cryptocurrency & blockchain

  • Introduce yourself (c32c) (accepting only first posts)

  • club1BCH (4ach) ( elite BCH communicators)

  • Bitcoin cash Hub (0cd1) ( talked for bitcoin cash only)

  • Free writing (c99c)


The communities are beauty of the platform which enhances the visibility of our contents. Make sure about originality of content , politeness and genuinity. Follow the rules of , follow the rules of community . Then these communities will give you honour , respect and admiration . Your content will get a brand status and a introduction of your personality.


Thank you so much for reading . I write this note in reply of one user who raise question to me on reject of his submission that why it happened? .

Lead image: pixabay ( Edited & modified)


$ 3.67
$ 3.60 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Usagi
$ 0.01 from @Lhes
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Thanks my dear always help me..nice to meet you . Allah bless you and may yave more bch in your wallet the way nice post...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks my dear friend to sharing the the rules of read cash with every member it's really amazing fact and good way to alert everyone for the next time I really like your post I really appreciate you for this one

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You got it, we must really be aware what to write or where community gonna submit our article based in its topic. So far, I joined only three communities, just write, filipino readers and open for all

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for this article. Since I am getting a comeback here, I am trying to understand what the community here stands for. Thank you so much sir. 😊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You got some assistance from the article . I think I achieved my goal. Stay blessed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago