March 2022 progress report!!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Time is flying in cruising speed and another month ends quickly. April has been here with lot of weather changes. The spring is going over and hot summer touching the doorsteps. Lite hot wave already can be found in weather.

The month of March was so progressive and productive for me at & and stands best of my stay of three months.

Fell short to my target of article per day as I could write 27 articles in the month of March with $ 166 earnings which is a satisfying figure for me. I write 10% more then previous month and earn more as well. So it is quite realistic approach from my side to give more time at plateform. The top earning post stands with 12.45$ which was about my virtual friend who travelled more then one thousand kilometres journey to meet me.

I got 22 more subscribers / followers in this month which is another sign of trust by them on my articles. The average views on articles are 21% more then last month and upvotes also 18% more then February.

I am not more active on now a days specially after new rewarding system when heart value squeezed into some hands only. Then fair game declining day by day which also put me down to made more noise. I earned only $16.2 on noise cash in month of March. In which 5$ tip included from Jefchen.

Saving & investment.

I changed my strategy from last month that not to withdraw 100% of the earnings into fiat currency anymore. Thanks to @PVMihalache who show me the path of investment on Binance launchpad. Still I did mistakes like

  • Not reached on launchpad on time

  • Not minted my full BnB.

  • Not follow instructions to hold for promotion period.

  • Sold and again buy on high price.etc

But thanks to Almighty God my 100$ investment in GMT ( green metaverse token) grow up into 426$ in 23 days Which is almost 326% + . Which other business can give us such profit . I think no one , only crypto has this potential.

I will recommend every user to keep some portion of your earnings for investment which will be another passive income source for you . Just invest wisely and keep eyes open on portfolio. So if I add my profit from this project then I can say that I earned 1.29 BCH in the month because that investment also I took from earnings.

April is on the way and RAMADAN starts which obviously a Month of Ebadha (worship) so may not get enough time to write an article daily so not putting any goal for this month.

Happy Ramadan 💚 to everyone.


Thank you so much for reading my progress report. It is motivation and encouragement to me as well to share my happiness with my community.

Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince

All these achievement never possible without kind support of my sponsors. Thanks Everyone who is in the box.

Lead image: pixabay ( modified)


$ 5.54
$ 5.22 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @PVMihalache
$ 0.05 from @Fexonice1
+ 5
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Wah, you get lot of income in April sir. Congratulations!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Glad I could help

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Heart warmth regards !!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Many congratulations for your success on this plateform as well as other plateform. I am very inspiring from your success story. You are a true motivation for me. Allah give you more success in future.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Warm wishes like this one really energies me. Vinchsnzo thanks!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very good ramdan Mubarak

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations for this great achievement. And Happy Ramadan Mubarak Sir from Bangladesh.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You are blessed Amjad, now you can harvest your fruits of blessings, congratulations to you, God Bless as always.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks for compliment Tiffa.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Few of your articles appeared in my timeline but you've really nailed it.. 166$ in a month.. It's bigger than moon ser

$ 0.03
2 years ago

First of All Ramadan mubarik I think in Ramadan we become lazy I feel like April sis month when we will write 30 articles because we will not do any outdoor work due to Ramadan

$ 0.03
2 years ago

So you earned $183 from both platforms during march. This is great achievement, and wish you more in April. Happy Ramdan.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Really March went productive and I am happy on my efforts. Happy first fasting!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, the Month of match is great for some users can I ask you if finance is legit? Or how we can trade on it? Keep growing Ramadan Mubarak.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It is pure authentic legitimate trade . Just need little experience about it .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations sir for earning such a good amount in one month, wishing you best of luck for April. Also you did the investment in the good tokens which give you 300+ profit that's fantastic 🥳

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks roojoroojay , yes I got idea of investment at launch pad from read cash article also . It was my first experience but gone very successful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago