Magical Words!

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2 years ago
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Some times a word leaves a great impact in a dialogue or conversation. We got more attention and interest towards the said body. Some words had more impotence in between any dialogue . We should learn this trick that how to get the attention of our audience. There are different philosophy with different authors about selection of magical words but I choose these words .

Yes :


When we start a dialogue with yes or ok . It gives a value to listener . Oppositely if we starts with No or Not it will gives a bad or negative impact. Now a yes to any sentence made as adoption. Yes , gives vitalic enthusiasm and energy to speaker as well as listener .

But :


If someone introducing to you any thing and suddenly stop and say but . It means he is going to denial his previous words. Then the sentence comes after but is always powerful and full of certainty. I explain it with an example that if I say that Bitcoin is worthy asset But Bitcoincash has more brighter future then BTC . Here I use ' but ' to denying my previous statement and diverting to next one .



Most attractive word for anybody is his own name. If we call anyone by his name , it gives a feeling of importance and respect to listener. The person whom we call by name will be attend to you soon even he is standing in a gathering. A basic rule in sales and marketing is KYC where name comes first . Knowing other one by his name made easement for a good communication.

If :


This words if gives hope to listener. Also it gives you space with importance. As some one want to take you anywhere but you are busy so instead of refusing you can say " If you can come at evening , I will be free to go with you.

Help :


We often need help from others in rushing way . If we request the help with respected way , it will gives a better impact to listener and he will show humbleness. Help is genuinely matter depends on giver . Asking help in rubbish way never work , it requires proper wordings.

Thank you:


This words thanks always give a pleasure. It is a proof that you have importance of others . It gives respect and dignity to both. This habit saying thanks adds more magical value to your personal and professional Life. Religiously and mannerly saying thanks to everyone who serve you in any form , at any stage , is our duty.

Sorry :


We are human and we often did mistakes . If we hurt anyone , our words gives a unpleasant experience to listener , we must learn to say Sorry . This word has a great magic . You will feel pleasure and listener will defuse his anger , stress or sadness. Saying sorry will never decrease your self respect , oppositely it will work as self-esteem.


We must learn the tricks and techniques of the words for a better behaviour and manners. These things helps us in good communication and interpersonal conversation. The importance is unconstitutional and it gives more attractions to our personality.


Thank you so much for reading . Love to have your comment about it .

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