Learning From Birds!!

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Learning always has unlimited possibilities if some one willing to do. We learn through our experiences , inspirations and other,s living styles. There are lot of things we comes to learn from actions of other creature then human because each species has unique characteristics which can be model for us as well .

Just like birds in this world , we can witness , observe and concluded lot of things which are benifit to us. Their characteristics and uniqueness has inspiration for others to follow and gain wisdom. Just like we can see that ,

They didn't collect more then they need !

One of the best thing in birds that they have very high level of contentment. So they collect for the day only , next day again they flew and search the prey. It is not mean they didn't keep some thing for affliction. They keep some food in nestes for bad times like rainy season but that is limited only .

So what is thing to learn is , don't bother yourself for over collection of goods. Keep faith and contentment with Almighty God which never left you Hungary. But yes save something for your bad patch.

They share !!

Just observe any time, throw some beans on earth and wait. First bird arrive that point will never eat all the beans. Oppositely he will shout loudly that others also came there and took the share. Within seconds you will see other birds also came and eat / pick together.

So this quality we can take as learning that what ever shareable we have , food , knowledge , skill , time , thoughts etc. We must share it to our community.

They jump!!

I never see any bird who walk in steps , they always jump for moving on earth. They didn't stick one place for prey. They always jump place to place and search the food.

I took this quality as we should took small jump for search of food instead struck on one place and cry always for not having enough income. These jumps will enable us to search better alternates.

They didn't pick everything!!

One more thing in birds that they search food , once found they test it by picking in beaks , taste it well and then eat. If the taste not good or it is damage one , stone , smelled they throw it out.

Why we want to carry everything for us? Can we recognise what is better for us and what is not . That habit will save us from unnecessary burden and will give us very clear picture of our necessities. We must know that everything is not for us or we can't be capable for every thing. So select the thing which suit to you and leave the remaining .

They alert each other!

If a bird feels any threat , dangour ( snake , wild cat , nevla etc ) he will not keep quiet and flew away. He will start crying loudly in specific voice. Then within seconds other birds will arrive and toghether they start high noising and they will keep untill that danger not disappear.

That is called protection of community and unity in defence. We are lacking in it totally. We should act like birds in any danger but we try our best to hide ourself first in such situation. We didn't stand for others , we always think for ourself Only.

They enjoy the independent life!

Birds which born independent in open nature always enjoy Thier life. They dive in air , gigles around , talk to each other , mates , jump over water , play in sky etc . They enjoy every minute of the day of life in delightful way . Very less sorrows, complaints , embracements to each other.

We must be like birds having less complaint about preys , facilities and equipments. This practice will leads us to stress-free life .


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Lead image: Pixabay ( modified)


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Very well discuss the qualifies of the birds Some flies high in the sky some are coward. Some harm other animals some eats food grains

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hmm I have seen some birds make loud noises when they see some animals, especially those for hunting chickens.

$ 0.04
2 years ago

It's true, birds holds several lessons for us even in their little actions. Thank you for pointing out these lessons.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Birds are the peaceful creation, and indeed they have the lots of good habits especially to live together and share each and everything with each other.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

There quality of sharing is really amazing and we can learn from it. Thank you so much Roojoroojay!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You explained everything in a very beautiful way brother. Indeed birds are teaching great lessons to humans. The best thing is they collect only for the day. Keep it up, brother.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

These lessons can reduce our panicked routine. Thanks dear !

$ 0.00
2 years ago