Inequality & injustice ( I was the victim)

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2 years ago

The judicial system in any country gives guarantee for living either good or bad . If it has good implementation and enforcement , it leads a society towards a prospective future. Where everyone is answer able about his actions. Doesn't matter what position you hold and what power you have .

Sorry to say but it is sad reality in my homelandπŸ‡΅πŸ‡° that there are laws but for poor only . The richer and influencer has different treatment in every department. He never care about law and it's attachments. Law enforcement agencies are slaves to them because they buy the puppies in every way. Favourism another shape of it where people support to their own relative and friends .

Me as victim.

I am living example of injustice in the country. I passed my graduation and got chance to get the job in central bank branch but I couldn't get because my father didn't have 100k Rupees as bribery for that job and a less educated , inexperienced person got because he paid the value . It is another story that I got chance to go abroad later and now thanks to these social media sites & BCH which gives me enough financial assistance . sBCH fullfil the dreams to be a property owner .

Inequality in resources , jobs, opportunities and distribution of wealth making people panic and tighten. If we check a Statistics in agriculture sector only 2% families occupied more then 70% of agricultural land in my country. The worker , harvesters, renters are living , working on lands without ownership from generations. This inequality giving boost to poverty which increasing rapidly becoming time passing. People have tons to eat but same time dying without food.

The crime chart in society rising quickly. May be lot of reasons behind this but the biggest one in injustice in my society. People has capabilities , potential , energy and confidence to do some thing but when injustice took place , they turn their all potential in bad ways. So street crimes like snatching mobile , robbery , bank decaty are very common especially in big cities.

This scenario assist the country enemies to hire these young boys and use them for their agenda . Bomb blasts , fake news against the institutions etc are prime target.

Closing paragraph.

If our governments wants prosperity in the country ( as they claim always) , they must made good implementation of law with equality. No one can stop crimes even developed countries has this problem but yes we can stop injustice in society by better system specifications. If it not happen , we will never has the right to say us a civilized.


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2 years ago
