How I Celebrate My Happiness!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago

Each and every person define happiness with a different mode because happiness has a different meanings with different prospects for everyone.

Happiness stays a feeling which fulfill dreams , gives joy and pleasure, makes significantly importance , repaid the sacrifices. It comes through success , achievement , blessings , holiday, cheerish gathering etc.

Celebration of happiness is compulsory because it gives us more energy and confidence , made our moments more delightful.

Happiness going rare in this metallic world so no need to wait for bigger achievement to celebrate . A small thing enough to smile , laugh and giggle Which is more worthy .

How I Celebrate!

I always think that it is my right to celebrate my success loudly . From long time since my father passed away ( 2001) I always celebrate my happiness with my siblings. I am eldest in family and as a father for youngers so I never think anything beyond them .

It depends on mood , time and season that how to do the celebration. Believing in sharing gives me satisfaction and enhancement of soul. What I seen benifits in joint celebration with family are

  • I always praise Almighty God for his blessing because I am nothing, nor my capabilities has any worth untill His Grace not included.

  • Happiness get reached to more souls.

  • More faces gets smiles.

  • Happiness goes more worthy.

  • It long last more.

  • It encourages others to do more efforts.

  • It plays a role model to others.

  • A massage of unity emerges.

  • It generates more love and care between family members.

  • Each one thinks he is important.

  • Every one shares his thoughts.

  • Every one gets chance to breathe in a different environment.


A good treat to myself makes my celebration completed. No one knows how much life we have even no one can predict. So why we waste it in long , unrealistic expectations and Loose our best time in wait. Let's enjoy each and every moment of it . Let's be patient on what our Lord puts in our destiny. Let's celebrate our happiness in sharing with others. Spread the light of hope around.


Thank you so much for reading my experiences and way of celebrations. 💞


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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


I always thank God for every victory and every success. Nice write up and nice to meet you, hope to see more article from you

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sharing those pleasant moments with our loved ones generates happiness. Life is short and passes faster than we imagine, we should not waste time. A nice way to celebrate with your siblings.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Thanks for indorsement!

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2 years ago