Goodness & worship.

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1 year ago


Human of all race , colour and national are grateful to Almighty God for the blessings. Every creature praise his Lord by own way but for human as best creature on earth has some responsibilities and duties to perform. Almighty God send prophets during different times to teach & guide human His path , the path of truth and humanity.

Almighty God bless his special scripture to each prophet consists his massage for convey to other human of ummah and preach them by showing true path. There are two things which they left for followers. One scripture & Holy book , other Thier living style and habits.

Worship is obligatory to everyone according to his faith and it is only for Almighty God. Worship to any other thing expect God is forbidden and it is unanimous across all the communities. In Muslims, prayers, fasting, Hajj , Zakat etc are obligated worship which is compulsory to all. This obligation is equally for all race , class , colour and flag.

Exactly in Christian community they perform praising of God , listen & read holy Bible, cermon, different sort of prayer and fasting. The Hindu, Sikh, Budh and other communities has their own scripture to worship. But all are United on one point that worship is only for Almighty God. These worship ways are extracted from holy books and under the order of Lord.

Goodness is consistence of good deeds extracted from the lifestyle of holy prophets and their instructions. What they said , did and preach to do. It is all called goodness. It covers our thoughts , living , actions and communication in communities. All goodness always base on welfare of human and serve the community. Goodness also covers animals, trees and natural resources.

Goodness has no religion, scripture and belief. It is all about doing good for others. It can be any minor assistance, help or deed. For example, giving water to thirsty , we can say lot of things ( which we know) but still keep silence in respect of other's dignity, smiling to made others happy, saving a animal from disaster, giving shelter to homeless, giving a slice of bread to hungry kitten of street, keeping water in pot for birds , saying aslamoalaikum or hello to others with smiling face, helping the orphan etc all the examples of doing good deeds ends in goodness. One thing I want to add more here that your every act in goodness will be accepted by Lord which will be for god's pleasure only. If you are doing good works , deeds to let people praise you , thinks about you and proudly describe yourself amoung others , then sorry to say expect reward from those people only. Almighty God will not entertain your words and actions.

It is never required any wealth to do the goodness, it is all about the intention which our Lord knows better. Then He keeps good rewards to his people who serve other people. We all believe that no one will stay here forever and one day we will be Infront of our Lord and He will question us about all these worships and goodnesses.

Happy new month of September and wishing you a prosperous days. Like , upvote the article if you found it useful and interesting. Leave comment to know your opinion about the topic.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


You look like you're also from Pakistan so I decided to check out your content and support you. Keep up the good work bro

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Right, goodness is not related to any specific religion, but it should be for whole humanity.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We should thank Almighty Allah for every work we do. It is good for us so he does it for us. We must follow the path shown by the Prophet and worship for the pleasure of Allah.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Hopefully every day changes, months change, even years change. If the opportunity is still given, we can continue to learn, try to become better human beings and servants of God and continue to improve ourselves every day. Hopefully in this new month all hopes, plans, wishes can come true.

$ 0.04
1 year ago

I'm not best in worships as i don't focus on worships and on prayers but I've faith on God. Having faith on God and thinking he's with me in all the time is a different level of satisfaction

$ 0.04
1 year ago

Doing concentration and focus in worship gives pure taste of it. Try to forget everything while standing for worships.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes now i try to doing worship but still i only offer three prayers but these are enough because it's starting

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Worship of Almighty Allah is always awesome and as Muslim I can feel the peace and the real satisfaction.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

No doubt, the real satisfaction and peace of hearts are in zikkarallah.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Goodness has no Religion... Correct and excellent That's a great article... I liked it. Writing a good article like this is also a goodness. May you get rewarded for your goodness and have a great day ahead 😊

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I am glad to know about appreciation by you. Stay blessed LeonaReed!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Goodness has no religion, these words are the best I love to see. Every religion has its own followers that has set of rules and limitations. But all have same principles for goodnesses.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

That is fundamental across the borders that goodness is common.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When I was in province I attended a workship my friend from different houses and churches with my family and aunt.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Such practice revitalise our faith and trust.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes that's true my friend. It will give us a new life.

$ 0.00
1 year ago