Can You Smile Please!!

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


Often we ignore the things which we think not important to us. We didn't feel the importance untill it not become of our need. Directly may it not gives any benifits but indirectly lot of things connected to each other.

I am suffering with mental health since five days and couldn't sleep well. My asleep disturbing frequently in nights. I sleep and woke up just after a hour again sleep and again woke up. I thought on first two days that may be schedule changing in Ramadan causing this probably. But consistently happened five consecutive days then I worried and seriously think to go for a doctor.

Today morning after prayer I sit with the Islamic scholar ( custodian of the mosque). I talk to him my problem, he listened so keenly and focus on each point. After listening my all situation he replied me which surprise me a lot . He said '

" Can you smile please" .

According to him, " I am lacking in smile , laugh which causing this disturbance. He explained to me that smile is best remedy for good asleep . He point out some benifits of smile as

  • Smile reduces stress , brings calmness in mind and body.

  • Brakes the patterns of negativity and boost positive chemicals.

  • It brakes the cells which cause to old age .

  • It enhances the attractions of personality

  • Even outerwear smile ( fake) also effects our mental health. As we can watch a comedy movie.

  • Smile keeps heart beat in normal range.

  • Any conversation with smiles has more impressive effects.

  • Smile generates productivity and efficiency.

  • Smile better then pain killers.

  • Smile & sleep has deep indirect relationship.

  • Smiling people has more better calm lifestyle then others.

Smile is not only proven remedy for physical health but also works in spiritual growth. Every prophet of God has this special quality with them of smile .

Even our holy books has reference on which Almighty God gives massage to smile . Like in Qur'an,

And that He it is who makes ( human) smile and weep.

Suraj an-Najm (53:43).

Then in Bible almighty sign to it as

A glad heart makes cheerful smiling face.

Proverbs 15:13-14 ESV.

So keep smiling in your routine like . You are talking to some one , traveling , prayer , meeting with colleagues , working space don't forget to smile .

I asked him about to go any doctor . He advised me that continue this smiling practice for a week then tell me the results. I thanked him hearty , say good bye to him and came out from the mosque.

From today morning I am practicing it . Still I can't judge any results but I am sure it will works. Prayers requested!!


Thank you so much for reading my story of the day. Like upvote and leave a comment for feedback.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


It was a very inspiring article and obviously when accompanied by the Quranic verses, nothing else can be as true as these. It’s also sunnah of our Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWW to meet others with a nice smile on face.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Now I know Amjad, a smile is very important to reduce wrinkles, hehe, so thank you for sharing this Amjad, I want to practice smiling every day.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Smile release chemical in our body which reduces the aging factor too .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, you are right, that's why I am thankful to you to share this very important information.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Smile is a key to remove the stress in our mind. Keep smiling In Sha Allah you get success in removing your depression.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Smile sometimes help us to come out from troubles too.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

So Islamic scholar suggested you to smile to feel better or to get good sleep. I hope this work better for you.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

A smile is a symbol of respect, affection and love, when we smile, other people will feel it.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

You are definitely right Sir . We human are bound to face problems we must have a great infact that no matter the huge amount of problems we faced we should never give up and moreover putting a smile on your faces will make us stronger and reduce stress

$ 0.03
2 years ago