Best Project for 2022. Ytizer (YTZ)

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago
Topics: Crypto

YTizer is one of the most compititive project with its echo system and strength. It is giving opportunity to yield tokenised trading very first time.


YTZ is in pre sale stage with price of $0.003 . The first phase has been completed . It pairs with BnB/YTZ on pancake swap where easily can get the token. It's listing on coinmarketcap has been completed.

Source twitter


YTZ doing morvolus activities on social media like

  • Air drops

  • Logo contest

  • Quiz trivia

  • Slogan Contest

  • Art contest

  • Rewards in every contest posted sane day to all winners.

I also collected 100 YTZ in a contest .

Screenshot of my wallet

Collaboration & partnership

YTizer made a huge development in this case and gets world well known gold mining company YAZCO on board which will make enable the tokenised future yield by heavy worth of gold.

Source twitter


Join there telegram official channel :

YTZ official

Telegram YTizer Chat


Tweeter :

YTZ Tweeter

Images sources:

Lead image:

Image 1

Image 2 : screen shot from my Trust wallet

Image 3.

Thank for reading. Hope you will enjoy the information given above.


$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @Oikawa
Sponsors of Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago
Topics: Crypto
