BCH Can Save Us From Fake Currency Notes.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago

Fake currency notes is our major problem now a days. Criminal people creating the fake notes in so sharp , clever way that it is hard to identify in first look . Yes some signs allocated by SBP ( state Bank of Pakistan) and instructions also made through different channels but we have hardly have 55% literacy rate which giving chance to culprits to get advantage of simple , uneducated , unawares population of the country.

I have no idea about other countries on this matter that the people there also suffers this problem or not but we in Pakistan πŸ‡΅πŸ‡° has too much and we are in big trouble due to fake currency notes in our daily life.

Although it is full responsibility of the state to kill such machenism wherever exist but unfortunately it is not possible because some politicians have deep pockets and assistance behind these black business.

Detector Machines:

The bigger companies , banks , malls and chains have money detecter machines on counters to check these notes . But real problems coming to normal people because they can't have such facilities. Then P2P cash transfer is more then the bank transactions in my country. So public in remote areas , lower towns and societiesalways are prime target of these culprits.

Hard to identify:

Photo : My cellphone Oppo

Here the upper note is legal and down one is duplicate ( fake ) . Now question comes can you indented it quickly? No it is not easy to judge . Both are almost same but very minor specific change can teckle only by sharp people .

BCH 🌟 gives solutions !

Absolutely a big 'YES 'to above statement . BCH can give us shield in this situation . BCH is P2P transactions payment method with full security , transparency and authority. By adopting the payment method in BCH we will be safe from all kind of fakness of currency because no one can generate duplicate BCH on another Blockchain due to its unique unaccessible blocks.

BCH will be free from invaded crimes . If we have back up , our seed phase are in our control, no one can thefts our money. The solution is only in digital currency otherwise we will loose our money in future too as we are loosing now. Our government must think to legalised the Crypto in the country which unfortunately still not on prime priority .

BCH as payment method will give us wings and secure our asset perfectly.


World has quick transformation in physical currency to digital one and making regulations to adopt the Crypto also as payment method . It is time to go along with world in moderation of technology in every field. My homeland is rich in young blood which are active on Crypto plateforms. BCH is best solution to make a wall against the fake circulating currency notes in the country. Need to adopt , regulate and instruct the people to convert their assets into BCH🌟 to make it more safer .


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Thank you so much for reading. Have any opinion , question please put in comment. Happy to hear from you .

Lead image: edited by me on polish app.

Second image:


$ 5.61
$ 5.55 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.04 from @Roojoroojay
$ 0.02 from @BCH_LOVER
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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


It's really hard to identify the real versus the fake money. We also have that problem here in the Philippines. Those vendors who can't identify the differences of the two had been a victim of that fake money..I agree that BCH can save us from those fake money. Imagine that we just have to pay through our online wallets and the transactions are all fast, that would be the most convenient and easy way.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am hopeful that one day it will happen . Any digital form of currency will save us from fakness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, I agree with you on that. But with all the digital currency, i like bitcoin cash the most coz it's fees are just low

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bitcoincash has the solution of every problem and is very reliable to the person use with it's less transaction fee and fast transaction speed πŸ’š, even Though I didn't experience the fake notes but in Pakistan somehow we expect this😹

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I have business of departmental stores and property advisory services. I met almost daily some people and these complaints comes into noticed. Personally I got once 5k fake note which is still with me . You are lucky that not met it ! Thanks to staying by .

$ 0.00
2 years ago