Living in the past allows old doors to stay open, and new doors to remain shut. If you can never truly let go of what's already done, then past aren't allowing yourself to have a better present or a better future
Living in the past allows old doors to stay open, and new doors to remain shut. If you can never truly let go of what's already done, then past aren't allowing yourself to have a better present or a better future
Turn a new leaf, live a good life now, forget yesterday
Don't live in the regret of yesterday
Have a focus on the things ahead
If you don't forget the past, new doors won't open
Your past can be a hindrance to the progress ahead
Your past should be a propeller not a setback
You're not a dog to go back to you vomit, move forward
Living in the past is a huge disaster to what the future holds
The world is transforming, follow the tide
What is done is done, move on
Open yourself to new doors of opportunities and let bygone remain bygone
Future is a chance to erase the past
Imbibe the spirit of letting go
Remember not the former things, greater things await you.
Live a new life, forget the old
Living in the past gives you past results
Greater things awaits you
Your past doesn't allow you progress, if you know, you know
People that live in the past don't grow
If you can't let go of the past, you can't let in new things