How can you improve Family communication?

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Avatar for Americana
3 years ago

Am no expert on this matter but this material is definitely of great help and it sure suitable for everyone.Take your time to read

My man never speaks.My wife never hears what I have to say.Such complaints are common among couples.Most Teenagers often feel like a 12 year old.Most young people say they are not afraid to talk to their my parents but afraid of how they might react. Barricades of silence thus separate the members of the family.

Some may argue that in many cases,the husband and wife just do not go together.Granted, many couples though view married lightly and fail to lay the groundwork for pre-marriage communication.However, the success of a marriage does not depend solely on its supposed compatibility. Much more important is,whether the couple is willing to accept God's standards for marriage and apply His principles. Think about some of the things the Bible says about the roles and responsibilities of spouses:

● "Let wives be subject to their husbands like the Lord." (Ephesians 5:22, 23)

● “Men, continue to love your women, just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for her. . . Men should love their women like their bodies. "(Ephesians 5:25, 28)

● "Do not disturb your children; keep bringing them up in the discipline and mind control of Jehovah." (Ephesians 6: 4)

When these principles are applied, a solid foundation for marital communication is established.why?Because a man who sees that “loving his wife” is a valid responsibility, is more likely to talk to her and listen to her. A woman who believes that obedience to her husband is a divine requirement will also be justified. But how can you deal with the stress and tension associated with marriage? Can Bible Counseling Really Help You Succeed?

If problems arise

Marriage is the closest human relationship. Over time, a couple can develop a relationship so close that a single touch, look, or gesture can last a long time. Only a few achieve this state of happiness.

However,one potential source of problems is the fact that no one is perfect.So,yes, sometimes everyone is guilty of rude or even nasty comments. And when two imperfect personalities communicate, the mood can explode.

But what if a couple allows these issues to dominate their marriage? Like one saying goes,“An offended brother is more than a strong city; and there are conflicts which are like the tower of a house. Communication can be disrupted and have serious consequences for your partner and children. In fact, experts say that "persistent parenting" is one of the most destructive influences on a child.

However, applying Bible advice can minimize these conflicts. Men are ordered not to get “bitterly angry” with their wives. (Colossians 3:19) And it takes two to fight.If your partner is angry and upset, why not try to be calm and quiet? Accept and understand if possible.A gentle answer will turn away anger.Aftershocks only make the situation worse. It is better to ask amicably: "Have I disturbed you? What's wrong, my dear? Pointing out the source of the problem tactically and lovingly in this way will usually help resolve the problem. On the other hand, it can be about being open, but tell your partner that you are worried or upset by their actions.

Not only does will this diligent effort will help you keep the peace but it will also greatly improve love for each other!

Communicate with Children

The arrival of the first child of a young couple presents them with a real challenge. After all, a newborn baby needs more than just regular feeding and diaper changes. Researchers say that infants have a great need to communicate. Of course, a baby can not speak. But the parents' appearance, touch and physical contact go a long way to opening up the lines of communication. This is one of the reasons why many hospitals no longer separate mothers from their newborns.

What else can parents do to communicate well with their children? The Bible says that parents should talk to their children "from infants." (2 Timothy 3:15) Is this realistic?Singing and talking to a child can be important in meeting [his] psychological needs.One Researcher cited an experiment in which children were treated with love and affection.The result? After two months, these children reached a "significantly higher level of development" than other children who did not receive sick kind of care. This loving communication is emotionally valuable to a child.

Study and leisure

As children get older, the problems associated with their education obviously become more complex. Many families find it helpful to establish a program for spiritual activities. It can go a long way to promote communication and unity. This program can be versatile, flexible and fun for everyone.

It is obvious that the creation of such a program may require adjustments from everyone. In some parts of Africa, for example, the father traditionally eats in dignified solitude. But as a bible abiding man, he sees the need to guide his family when it comes to eating.A text or subject can be discussed at breakfast, which is a good way to start the day. Dinner can be a time for relaxation for everyone, to report on the day's events and for a mood change.Parents can encourage their children to express themselves.

It is mandatory to take time for serious study, such as homework and Bible discussions. But let us not forget the need to rest. TV recordings, movies and music are popular with young people, but these highly efficient media are like dirty drains .There is a positive link between violence and aggression on television in children. Therefore, parents should strictly control their children's free time.Picnics and other outings,are ways to provide young people with wholesome entertainment.

Talk to Teens

Some parents experience an inability to communicate with their children when they reach adolescence. These years lead to youth’s not only rapid physical changes, but also an attack on new emotions and desires. Some young people react by withdrawing. Others distance themselves from their parents and become very attached to their colleagues. Therefore, it takes a lot of determination on the part of parents to keep the lines of communication open during these critical years. They must be sensitive to the mood and emotions of their children.

Personal discussions can be very useful, especially if they are kept informal. “You should write [the word of God] on your child and talk about it when you are sitting at home, when you are walking on the street, when you are lying down, and when you stand up,” the Bible says. (Deuteronomy 6: 7) So a father can ask his unusually calm son to work with him in the garden or in a repair. The mother can also teach her daughter to sew. These relaxed occasions usually lead to a real exchange of emotions. Even intimate topics like sex, physical changes, morals, beliefs, and life goals can often be shattered at such times.

However, be prepared to hear problems sometimes. Maybe it's a struggle with masturbation or even an acknowledgment of a lack of faith. Instead of barking, listen calmly and show understanding. Otherwise, the valuable communication line may be interrupted. Know this, my beloved brethren. Every man should be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to get angry, ”says the Bible. (James 1:19) Even if it's a mistake, you don't want to condemn your child completely. It's the bug you want to get rid of, not the baby.First, show that you are “quick to listen,” then offer your child help and advice.Sometimes you can also reassure him by saying, “You are not the only one who has had this problem. I had to take care of it even when I was your age. “Your calm reaction can lead you to trust yourself when the need for help returns.

It is important that you are available for your children.Just being there means more to your children than material wealth.

Happy and united 

Loving, empathetic and communicative parents can do wonders for young people.

It is true that in today's complex world, there are many pressures that neutralize family communication. And sometimes parents need some advice for themselves. But there is no reason for you to feel helpless. Other experienced parents, especially mature Christians, can often help. And there is the word of God, the Bible, which is “live and have power”.

This article has just presented a selection of practical Bible advice. Take the time to study it and apply it regularly. This way you can keep your family happy and together.

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3 years ago
