Some unknown information about weight !!
Being overweight or underweight is not desirable. Many of us are short but fat, and many of us are very tall but like sepai of palm leaves. This condition means that their weight is not right according to the height. If you want to know if you are overweight or underweight, find out how much you weigh according to your height.
Height Male (kg) | Women (kg)
4’8 ”—— 39-49 —– 36-48
4’8 ”—— 41-50 —– 36-48
4'9 "—— 42-52 —– 39–50
4’10 ”—— 44-54 —– 41–52
4'11 "—— 45-56 —– 42-53
5 ft —— 46-58 —– 43-55
5’1 ”—— 46-80 —– 45-58
5’2 ”—— 50-62 —– 48-59
5’3 ”—— 51-64 —– 48-61
5’4 ”—— 53-6 —– 49-63
5’5 ”—— 55-6 —– 51-65
5’7 ”৬ 56-80 —– 53-6
5’7 ”—— 56-72 —– 54-69
5’7 ”60-64 —– 58-61
5'9 "৬ 72-7 —– 58-61
5'10 "—— 64-69 —– 59-65
5’11 ”—— 85-81 —– 71-7
৬ Fit —— 7-83 —– 63-70
৬’1 ”69-7 —– 65-62
৬’2 ”—— 71-7 —– 6-74
If the body is extra sick, it looks bad, with wrinkles on the face quickly. Extremely sick people suffer from malnutrition. As a result, there is a strong possibility of various nutritional diseases, such as anemia or anemia, physical weakness, various skin diseases, etc. Malnutrition can lead to a variety of diseases, including hair loss, tooth decay, and bone loss.