Black _magic(part-2)

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3 years ago



This morning the afternoon sky looks a lot different. The sky seemed to be sultry for hours. Like the sky, Sayem's mind has been sultry since morning. I didn't eat properly all day in anger. The veins on both sides of the ear are still throbbing. Sayem's anger doubled at his father's call.

"Sayem, where are you?" Baba entered Sayem's room. Sayem said nothing and just frowned once at his father. He knows very well why his father came to his room. Yet Sayem remained silent. Seeing Sayem's silence, the father said,

"Did you go to the maktab today and disrespect the lord? Even when you came home, did you say what is not in the lord's name?"

Sayem gritted his teeth and said,

"Well done."

"Kih, you haven't learned to respect people even though you are my son?"

"Oops, Dad! That guy doesn't know anything, sir? He's coming to teach me again!"

"Sayem, speak with restraint. The boy's face does not agree with these words." This time there was clear anger in the father's eyes.

Sayem also shouted very loudly to suppress the opponent,

"I'll say it a hundred times, sir. It's not good. What nonsense."

Aminul Islam did not speak further. Went out quietly. He is very angry with the boy today. He went out and shouted at his wife,

"Lavanya, don't send Sayem to the madrasa anymore. The boy has grown up. I don't want to lose my dignity in front of unnecessary people."

Lavanya shook her head at the words of her husband.

As soon as Dad left the room, Sayem looked at his sound box. Only music can bring peace of mind in this time of turmoil. Turning on the music loudly, little Sayem leaned back on his bed.


Rouhani is the only son of Sayem Shahriar in Kunj. Sayem is growing up with the affection of his father, mother and sister. Aminul and Lavanya had no children for a long time. Then, after a long ten years, their first daughter, Rouhani, was born. Then Sayem slowly, then Sharmila was born. Sayem being the only son of the family, he roamed freely everywhere. No one ever threatens Sayem. Of course, Sayem doesn't do anything like threatening. He's always been a little serious. However, as a student, he is very talented. At the age of eight, he learned a lot. (Nishat Tasneem) Sayem is a little ahead of the other kids in the class. The teachers of the school are full of praise for Sayem. That's why everyone keeps Sayem in their head even in Rouhani Kunj. Even though everything is fine, Sayem is very reluctant about one thing. And that is religion. When he heard the name of Maktab, a hatred came to Sayem's mind. Oops, that's a bad place. A lot of rural children have studied there. They huddled on the floor. Again, sometimes many people have a runny nose.

Walk thu ... Sayem vomits when he thinks about all this.

Seeing Ustadji on him makes my head hot. Does a cloak fall? There is no smartness in him. He speaks the regional language all the time. Du, can't even speak an English. Oops, what good is a web site if it simply "blends in" with everything else out there?


Today Sayem has given the result of 6th class final examination. As always, he got Golden and occupied the 1st place. Everyone in the house is very happy. If the father can, the whole neighborhood will be sweet. Throughout the day, everyone wished Sayem in different ways. Some with books, some with electronics toys. Of course, Sayem is very happy about it. Big Mama brought a robot toy from Malaysia. That is very expensive. And a little different, which will be quite useful in Sayem's experiment. In these few years, Sayem has fixed the goal and purpose of his life. That goal includes the wandering of his three dreams. His experiments cover a huge part of it. He wants to discover something in the world that will be different from everyone else. That electronic device will not have anything fast. All kinds of services will be available without rush. Data can be exchanged from one device to another. According to him, Sayem has been making a small effort since he was a child.

Finally, after shaking the robot for a while, Sayem carefully left it.

Rouhani immediately appeared in his brother's room with a mug of cappuccino. Leaving it on the table, Rouhani asked his brother to eat it. Rouhani left with his hands on his brother's head with utmost care. Sayem closed the toy drawer and turned on the music loudly. Then with a sip of coffee, the song and music became bubbly.


Sayem is now twelve years old. He has matured in intelligence much earlier than other children. He wants to roam in all fields of knowledge. Wants to research something unknown. Wants to be one of the greatest scientists in the world. According to him, he is not doing less work. He finished reading many science books at a young age. And the rest of the time he uses songs and music. Dance with that. His second dream is to be a great dancer. But religion ...

This is still an issue for Sayem. He was born into a Muslim family. Written by Nishat Tasneem. But after understanding a little, one can understand the scattering of many religions in the vicinity. Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, how much more! But Muslims are a little different from everyone else. Their prayer system is also different. Luxury is more in all religions. Many of them have many festivals. The Muslims there seem to be very poor. Most of the poor people, including a day laborer, a housemaid, a rickshaw puller, follow this Muslim religion. And at certain times people of all statuses rush to drink one mosque. Outside where there is so much difference between everyone, everyone in the mosque is bowing their head to the ground? So this idea was ingrained in Sayem's mind, in fact Islam is a poor religion. All needy people follow Islam. Why should I follow Islam there like them? It started with innumerable questions in his mind. These ideas become more evident when one reads a science book. Which Sayem keeps in his mind. In this way, the mind of little Sayem is gradually filled with atheism. Gradually, an atheist Sayem began to grow without anyone's knowledge.

"Brother, your phone has come." Sharmila shouted, holding the landline phone in her ear.

Written by Amena

God willing ...

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3 years ago
