Jeremiah 29:11- God’s Unshakable Plans for Your Life
I realize life can be full of broken dreams ,immeasurable joy, pregnant hope and a look through a telescope into a vast universe full of endless possibilities reflected through the lens of God’s Grace.
In jesus we have the assurance of a life filled with hope and promise yet because of fear and uncertainty we many times walk through life as if we are not sure that the ice is not thick enough to support our weight.
Alot of things as been happening , People are scared of what the future hold, a lot of storm Disturbing the peace of human.
When your heart's broken or life hits hard, here are promises of God when you need hope.
This is the Good New ..
Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.
This beautiful piece of His Word is more real today than any other time in history. Compared to a thousand years ago, the current world is filled with many more troubled circumstances. Be certain that the glory of God will be revealed in our lives when stressful events occur. Do you often wonder how you will face difficulties that come your way? Problems with finances, family, relationships, health, work, and your livelihood cover our lives like a blanket. Our character and foundation of faith are tested when life pulls the rug out from under us. When our entire world is shaken, our ability to recover is impossible unless we rely on the Lord for strength. When we know we don’t have to face it alone, it makes all the difference. Knowing that He is there helps us survive another day.
Psalm 28:7: The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
God is always there, always faithful, and always right. Remember to “fasten your seat-belts”, because life is going to get bumpy, full of turbulence. We have to strap ourselves into His word and trust in His faithfulness. No matter your situation, God will perform miracles in your life. So when tragedy knocks at your door, remember to stay focused, placing your faith in God. When we trust in Him, all is well.
As we journey through life, we will get beaten up- we will get hurt and bruised along the way. Scarred memories mark our journey like markers on a highway.
There are times of joy and bliss that we savor, but sometimes it seems that they get lost in our journey.
We all wonder what tomorrow will bring; a better life; a better situation; a more prosperous job; or a happy marriage.
It is in God that we can find the hope for our future. If we put our hope in God, there will be no surprising ending in our lives..
God knows what His will is for our lives, he has declared it, and it is set in stone. God says to you, “I know what I have the plans I have for you. Gods says, I have success for you, I will make a way for you, I have a job for you, I made you, I formed you, I breathed life into you and I have redeemed you. I promise you that God has a plan for you. We have a hunger pang inside of us to have a happy life. God has the plan to make that happen in our lives.
Trust Jesus to tame the violent storms in your life, releasing heartache and procuring healing as He blends them all together becoming the missing puzzle piece in your journey completing the picture of grace that He intends for your life.