You Only Get Back What You Give

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2 years ago

TGIF Guys 😇

Happy weekend to y'all out here, it has been a wonderful week for me and am glad I am back to once again....

The month is running fast and it kinda feels like the whole 7days has just passed within a blink of an eye but no worries coz I believe that's what most of us want...

Now I'd love to talk about the topic that I have here today....

You Only Get Back What You Give

I believe just by seeing the topic alone we know where this article is heading to... Another word for it is also "What Goes Around Comes Around ", "Life Is Like A Boomerang "...

There are also many terms that are related to this but can't actually remember most of em, so I'd like to emphasize on this term and my own experience too....

While growing up we'd get to have some friends, and surprisingly we would grow up together....

And if you build your circle you'd come to realize that your bond will become stronger... There are alot of people who don't believe in this term, they feel its just a lump of bullsh*t...

Trust me its like a Boomerang, you throw something bad and it would definitely come back at you... You do good and good would definitely come your way, most times we get rewarded by someone else or maybe a total stranger....

So here is my own side of the story, i have come to realize that whenever am about to go on a trip ( Within my state) I do encounter some strangers, and they'd ask me for some money or food or I should help them in anyway that I can...

well I do give them the little thing I have and they are always grateful with the act of kindness that I have shown, most times after I have been approached by them I'd get them food to eat... Don't know if they are homeless or not but I just do so coz I believe something good would definitely come my way and trust me it does....

I remember one time when I was down bad, I had no money in my account and there wasn't enough cash on me that would sustain me till the end of that week... I got a DM from a friend of mine and be both chatted and I asked him how he was doing he said he was doing ok and I told him how things we're for me....

Not that I was complaining to him but i simply told him the truth and besides we do ask each other such question... He then asked for my bank details and he told me he'd send me some cash...

Later on I got a notification from my bank and he sent about $26 and the funny thing is he is kinda like a stranger to me coz we haven't met each other before...

I knew him from an online game and from there we exchanged contact, trust me every little act of kindness pays... I hope y'all understood my point???

Most times we get rewarded by someone that we have rendered help to a long time ago, and most times we might have even forgotten that we rendered help to them... After they'd given us our own reward we'd be like "wow thank you so much am really grateful" and they'd reply us by saying " Nah its nothing buddy or have you forgotten the time you helped me when I was at my lowest point "...

You'd even be surprised that they haven't forgotten about your kindness, Trust Me Every Little Sacrifice Counts, Every Act Of Kindness Counts, What Goes Around Comes Around, You Only Get Back What You Give...!!!

The End...!!!!

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Closing Thought

Learn to build your circle and try not to let down anyone on their lowest point, the world is all about give and be given, help and get rewarded... Most people might feel like they have been helping for so long and still they haven't received anything good in return and it makes them want to change their ways, all I can say is don't do so, learn to be exercise patience coz good things don't come easy And also don't forget about the three T... TTT ( Things Take Time )....

$ 2.26
$ 2.23 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.03 from @MD_Tibro
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Avatar for Amback_forgood
2 years ago


Exactly that's why earth is round. The one whatever he continues to do so, will come to him from passage of time

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you that good things takes times to approach. And you know not only money whatever you give is going to come back nit only money, it can be good behaviour or respect or love.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your right buddy that's how things are but most people still don't know

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes my friend. But they should have know that and apply that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're right. It's good to treat other people right so that you will be treated well too. Although I don't believe in karma but you will only get the energy you give out back.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I know we all are not the same, my belief might not be the same as yours.... Its nice of you stopping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago