How Long Was I Out?

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2 years ago
  • Its cold out here because it has been raining for hours non stop.. I couldn't go out to get something to eat so I then decided to keep on watching the series that a good friend of mine recommended...

I believe most of y'all must have already seen the series and its known by the name "Moon Knight"... Trust me it's way more interesting than I thought, even though I find the first episode boring but its worth it.....

How Long Was I Out?

Yea I know I haven't written any article for the past 2 or maybe 3 days but the thing is I have been busy with work and my phone has been lagging lately, I have been so damn busy but i do login to view some articles then I log out again...

Not that I do interact but I wouldn't want to make my last seen go too far..

Before writing this article I did erase all my data from this device so it would be like a fresh start lol... I didn't bother saving any of my personal file I just used the factory rest button...

  • Though I already have my phrase in my Google drive so there is no need to bother about that...

Did I Regret The Decision I Took?

Well I know I did loose a lot of things such as my "Photos", "WhatsApp Messages", "Login Details To Other Platform" and many more...

I didn't bother to save those information I was kinda pissed at the moment, after formating my device I wasn't bothered at all... In fact I was so damn happy because I know it would be lag free for a while...

But after an hour I realized that I have messed up...

So I actually don't have anything on my phone, not even pictures or videos.. I decided to watch continue with the anime I took from my sibling before he traveled yesterday..

I totally forgot that I erased every damn thing on my phone, 😥 I was so mad at myself for not copying the anime Into my PC...

The anime was the one keeping me going before I started watching the "Moon Knight"...

To cut long story short am bored and it would be of use if any of you guys could recommend any movie to me, though I might have ready seen the movie but I'd still be grateful for the recommendation...

Enough of the movie and anime guys, how have y'all been?? Stay strong guys I know the market isn't favorable lately but the patient ones would definitely smile again...

Don't cry over a temporary dip because the market is definitely going to heal, and as we all know there is only one thing that could heal it and its called "Time"...

Though i actually don't know the current price of any coin or token because I haven't downloaded my wallet and I think i need to do that soon so I'd know where to start from....

Am back now and thats a good thing because am going to be free for a while so it means that I have all the time to do whatever I want.....

See you soon guys, thanks for reading....

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$ 0.37 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago
