Am I A Game Addict??

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Avatar for Amback_forgood
2 years ago
Image from unslapsh

Hey, happy weekend to y'all out here.. It has been raining for hours now and the cloud seem a little bit angry today, don't know why it decided to pour such rain today... Trust me the weather ain't friendly, I woke up to find myself alone in the house and I was like " Where Is Everyone?? " some mins later I checked the time and it was 10:27am...

Oh damn I woke up late again, it was then I realized that I was supposed to attend a birthday party of a friend of my mum, I messed up and now I could no longer go due to the weather....

I took my bath and I grabbed my phone, I checked my WhatsApp and I replied all messages before I opened something that I call peace...

Call of duty mobile

I gamed for almost an hour before I got a call from a friend of mine, the conversation didn't take long and after the call ended I was being disconnected from the match I was in.. It was a little bit pissed so I just exited the game and opened my chrome browser....

After checking my notification on I decided to draft an article, but funny enough I don't know of any interesting topic to write about... I opened my draft and see maybe I could complete the ones that we're half written but after a 1munite of writing I just saved and left the page....

And so it when then I came up with the idea of writing about gaming....

Am I A Game Addict???

I asked myself this question before writing and the answer is "Yes", I am a game Addict but not as you think... I only game when am bored and it gives me a peace of mind....

I have come to realize that am good at gaming, any kinda mobile game if you ask me... Even if am new to the game trust me after a 5mins observation I'd play like a user who has been in its for months....

I came up with the idea of playing games and earning money, so about a month ago I discovered a thing called JOY BOT, its a play 2 earn game... At first I didn't have much information about it I made some research on it....

Currently a JOY BOT should cost around $69 ( last time I asked a good friend of mine), that's an interesting price if you ask me.... I checked YouTube and I saw the kinda games you can play on it, trust me its mind blowing to me coz I believe I will do better....

The game is difficult to most people but for me I'd give it my all and with a couple of days I'd recover the money used in buying the JOY BOT...

It might sound impossible to those who are using to bot but trust me I know what am talking about 😇.. I have been a gamer ever since I was a kid and not just an ordinary gamer....

A lot of friends have been advising me to open a YouTube account just like other streamers that play Call Of Duty, they saw how good I am at gaming... Yea I know I am good at the game and I have already had it in mind of being a YouTuber streaming CODM...

But currently I only have one obstacle and that is the reason why I haven't been able to start streaming.....

The obstacle am facing is my device, currently am using an Infinix S4 which is 3gb ram And a 32gb of inbuilt storage... Its kinda bad for gaming and I can't screen record my gameplay either... A good device is required for that and it should be around 6GB ram and 128GB of inbuilt storage, though you can still use a 4GB ram and a 64GB of inbuilt storage for it but its still gonna lag so 6GB or 8GB and above is advice able for a better gaming experience...

So now I'd be saving up for JOY BOT and afterwards I'd get a better device.. 😇

$ 0.12
$ 0.11 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Bibijani01
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Avatar for Amback_forgood
2 years ago


Game addiction, a prevalent issue in today's digital age, poses significant challenges to individuals worldwide. The allure of immersive gaming experiences, coupled with easy accessibility through various devices, has led many individuals to fall into the trap of excessive gaming. Whether it's the thrill of competition or the escapism offered by virtual worlds, the consequences of unchecked gaming addiction can be severe, impacting mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. Seeking help and support is crucial for those grappling with this addiction. Websites like offer valuable resources and guidance for individuals and families dealing with gaming addiction, providing information on coping strategies, therapy options, and community support networks to navigate the path towards recovery.

$ 0.00
4 months ago

To be honest, I was always worried about gambling and sports betting that I might become addicted to gaming. In fact, it turned out that I was worrying in vain, and this is definitely not about me. Now I play various gambling games on CS2 skins upgrade sites. Using cs go skins, I can have a good time and get something in return.

$ 0.00
7 months ago

My contribution of some cent for your dream phone. By the time i heard people who are good in gaming is having some extra IQ. My assumption about, you seem too much reserved /introvert kinda person. AM I true. Because my younger sister plays whole day game called pubg. She loves to give her time to her game but not to her family. That's not good though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago