You took the pain away

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: Pain, Reliever, Story

Published on: September 26, 2021

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I want to share this to you. And, I hope it won't turn out bad or that you'll see me differently? I hope not. Nah? Okay, whatever I will have to abide by the title.

I am no certain what day it was, seriously. (Absolutely last year, 2020) All I knew was that, the pain seem to suck the life out of me. After dinner at 7, I lie down because my stomach felt mild cramps. I thought it would go away so I didn't bother to worry. 2 hours and more and the pain didn't go instead it worsen. Everyone was already asleep. Dragging myself out of bed despite of the close to severe cramps and twists of my stomach as if a monster has gone ballistic inside. Probably my worms. Nah. I tried to throw up in the aim of alleviating the pain but I wasn't close to throwing up.

I stayed sitting with a pillow cornered between my thighs and abdomen to give pressure and somewhat comfort. I then throw up a little. Lucky I managed to snatch a basin because I'd surely create a stinky mess on the floor. Not everyone would be happy to say the very least.

After throwing up dryly, I thought the pain would somehow lessen but no, it did not badge at all. Jerks and jolts around my belly like they have a schedule on who's first to attack and then the rest follows. I lied down again. Seek for good position of the body to see which was better and less painful but all in all, none. I didn't find comfort so I tried to get up and called my mother.

Covered with sweat, tears and going pale then, I was rushed to the hospital. We even forgot to wear mask but luckily they did not further ask since I was literally in pain and yeah, mask wasn't the most important thing during that time.

We, I waited for the doctor or nurse to attend to me. The pain was subsiding a bit and then would resurface in a beat. Teasing me as if it was funny. Seated, I clutched to my belly for pressure trying to lessen the pain. Soon, I heard dad talking about my situation and I automatically jerk my head to their direction.

Is it fine to curse right now?

When I saw him in his nurse uniform, my world stopped (charot ang landi e noh). Even the pain was no longer to there when he stared back at me. (Guess I am laughing while writing this. Definitely. That was so embarrassing!)

He was definitely taller than I, lean and close to white complexion, his manly thick brows and expressive eyes caught me. I didn't saw his whole face since he was wearing a medical mask. I withdrew my gaze and concentrated on my pain. That vanished moments ago. Woof. Soon, when he was behind the desk, he removed the disposable cloth and I was shock when I noticed that he has a missing tooth! Of course I am kidding hahaha.

He's definitely handsome. I've never seen him before because that was the first time I ever step my foot on that hospital. In my teenage years of course, I did my very best to stay away from the hospital because I hate just the thought of it. Needles and or injections and the gloomy atmosphere weren't my things as well.

He asked me a few questions such as when was my last period. I was caught by his voice. Why was I sound smitten so fast? Darn. I answered all his queries and killed the little joy in me for talking to him. Then, the pain rushed in again. After questioning, I did a terribly embarrassing action. Thermometer should nestled on the armpit but I didn't since I was lost again. Argh! Oh my god! That was really embarrassing when he softly reminded me what to do🤦‍♀️ That was the most stupid thing I've done I think. Although he didn't laugh at me. Maybe he was laughing inside.

He looked for the med to help me with the pain but he couldn't find it. So, he made his way out my sight to look for it. Yikes sanaol nag effort noh? Ohmygodanglandikodito.

Soon he came back with a tablet in hand. A chubby doc came to us and ask him a few about me (sorry friends, I forgot my encounter with the doctor. All I can remember is my encounter with him. hahaha) Doc then made his way to whichever he was heading to. He gave me the small pill he was holding. He said that it would help me with the pain. And it did.

He warned me to eat on time because it might happen again. I only nodded. He then talked more about it and I just gladly listen. It was past 2 in the morning. We were seated on the benches across the hospital entrance. He sat there with us and waited until my "pain" subsided. I was definitely knocked out. After the pain, came the aftershock of my muscles.

I didn't see him again because I don't like being in the hospital. Doesn't mean he's handsome I'd go there again. And I am not certain if he's still around, or if he'll be the one to accommodate me so why bother. Hala siya🤦‍♀️

P.s: I hope you aren't here. And I hope you won't read this🤞

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: Pain, Reliever, Story

Comments you were having crush on him,even in our illness. That's good your pain was gone with the tablet he gave to

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's kinda cute haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Someone feeling nostalgic and bit more.... 😋 Ok, I'm not teasing you but I loved to do that. 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh no, that was before hahaha. It's all done now. But when i get to remember it, I would just laugh at myself🤦‍♀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

LOL. If I'm here, and if I get to the end by reading. LOL.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

no hahaha. I don't wish him to know I've written something about him. absolutely embarrassing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yieee pumapagibig si ate😅❤❤❤kung meron rin naman ata magandang nurse mastustun din ako at mapapasabing age doesn't matter haha. Wag ka bumalik sa ospital ate para makita mo ulit sya.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

grabe ka makaate sakin😭 djk. hindi na po ako babalik don hahaha. pero di ko na talaga siya nakita. ever. I think bago lang siya don e. saka he might be in mid or early 20s.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

love at first sight po ba? malay mo po magkita kayo in the future pero may mahal na siyang iba.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hala siya ansakit manakit hahaha. Hindi naman. siguro nabigla lang ako. akala ko mga matanda or babae e. Hahaha. Hindi na din kami magkikita. Okay lang talaga kung sakaling may mahal na siyang iba. (hindi ko naman siya minahal e)😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago