You think it's funny?

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
3 years ago
Topics: Funny, Story

Published on: September 23, 2021

You can joke around, pull pranks and all but see to it that (they) can handle such act.

It's funny, for many to pull pranks, or throw jokes to random people or yeah someone they know. It is fine not until the victim is not in the best shape to swallow jokes nor keep up with it.

I remember during our face to face classes, specifically on my primary school, students were really excited, goofy and hyper. They loved to pull pranks to their victims as if their llives depended on it. The victims tolerated it and so was fine.

But in some occasions, that does not how it turns out. Especially to friends who are joking around. For one it's fine and then the other would be tired to contain the jokes or simply not in the best mood to entertain jokes.

I guess, it is somehow our nature when we feel the energy to toss funny gestures (for us) but how about for others? Humans really need to learn how to sense whether someone is up to that or not. We can notice anyway. Apart from that someone's creased brow and silence. Damn serious!

Back in Junior high school, I encountered more incidents. As the poor victim. I was honestly fuming mad inside. I was reviewing for our upcoming exam but I forgot which subject, sorry. Moving on, I was definitely serious to catch up with the lessons I've missed since I was absent for a few days back then. I was inside our classroom and few classmates were like cats and dogs not fighting, but playing toss and catch and just imagine it was really messy and loud.

I could tolerate that and still, able to review at peace although the background was its complete opposite. I noticed that a group of ladies were eating something. You know dalandan(Phillippine orange)? That was it. It never crossed my mind that someone would do such thing to me. At the most inconvenient time. I wasn't able to get away nor close my eyes by the sudden surprise. Someone pinched a dalandan skin straight to my eyes. Can you please imagine just how sore my eyes were? I instantly shed tears. Literally, it took me minutes to recover. She was laughing, as if I were into her joke or not. or was it a prank?

After recovering, I glared at her and even those ladies she was with. I didn't know what exactly to do in order to get even during that time. All I wanted was to hit her. Lol. I was absolutely pissed off, who wouldn't? I ended up ignoring her all day. A week. She said sorry but I was too mad to accept that.

Our outpouring humor get us in trouble sometimes, you know that? I guess you've done that. Joking with the wrong person and you two ended up fighting or him/her getting mad at you?

"I am sorry. I was just joking" and "That was just a joke. Don't be mad at me" too used phrases but yeah? I know you've done that or someone has done not so funny to you before and maybe in the future...maybe if not, you're basically missing something dude.

And us?... are fine now. I think I was able to get even with her. But I can't recall which is which because I have plenty of list whom I took my little vengeance. Pft. Hahaha. kidding.

That was it. I was able to write tonight. I was out a while ago to attend to this event slash celebration. Yes, I got out and tried to spread away like wings this covid19 with me. Hahaha kidding again. I am fine now. Tho, I am really missing my senses. My auntie said they'll come back after a week or so. Now, I'm becoming more thin for not eating much. Lol. Anyways, how are you today? Please tell me you had a great day/ I hope you'll have a good day❤

Lead image Credit to:PeopleImages

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$ 3.19 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Momentswithmatti
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Avatar for AmazingWorld
3 years ago
Topics: Funny, Story


Some pranks are really terrible, they can seem fun but not for that person, the victim! A little very innocent prank, not so stressful can be a way to laugh together, but I mean it has to be something very light...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am angry on the other hand. Sometimes it's not so funny as others think so. How could they feel it what I feel when I become a prey of joke? Sry to hear that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Unfortunately, earlier today I have a terrible connection which I guess will ruin my entire day 😭

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Some things just can't be ignored. It's fun to joke around and maybe ok, but even as kids', the eyes must be wide open to see and be aware of the reaction the others may have and decide if those people can stand a joke or not. What is funny to me maybe isn't fun to others.

$ 0.00
3 years ago