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Avatar for AmazingWorld
3 years ago
Topics: Worried, Love, Bait, Fall, Thoughts, ...

Tue, August 24, 2021

6 of 100 Poems for me (The Bleed of Words Collection)

It's becoming my habit (again) to write nonsensical poems. I thought it was gone, and now it's coming back to me. Sanaol bumabalik hahaha. This is very short, 3 stanzas to be specific. This will be edited, surely.


My heart flew away,

When I heard you say,

Sorry is the other company,

You said we'll fix this, can't we?

In the morning I'd check on you,

Fine, I'm still mesmerized with such view,

You're so inviting,

Your words are so appealing.

It's been 2 months remember?

Yet my love never falter,

You took me on occasions, on a date,

Can I swear? I fell deep on this bait?

Lead image - unsplash.com

$ 3.34
$ 3.29 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Achi7
Avatar for AmazingWorld
3 years ago
Topics: Worried, Love, Bait, Fall, Thoughts, ...


I like you poems. Para kay crush ba ito? 😎

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hahaha hindi ah. Memapost lang po yan. Wala akong crush ngayon. hahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago