Today's the Second week and the first day

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2 years ago
Topics: Weekend, Lockdown, Life

Published on: September 25, 2021

This was supposed to be written slash publish last week. But since I was ill enough to keep my eyes away from the screen, this has to be cancelled.

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Now's The Second Week

First week. Now, second week. Not long when I heard about our province imposing a "Weekend Lockdown" to curb the cases of what most people are dreading to, the Covid19 virus. Since my province is no longer Covid free, instead more and more cases are surfacing everyday, opened this idea of minimizing people's mobility. During the Weekend.

It might be good. People will have the time to relax and rest. But not all would want to stay in the house and do not earn for the weekend. Or some would surely be miserable for not being able to go out with friends or boyfriend/girlfriend.

We were instructed not to go out on the said days, no more stepping on the city until it's Monday or maybe you can if you have business that is essential to life.

During weekend, the city would likely to be swept clearly, leaving no people outside or so I thought because clearly I haven't seen the situation there. I knew that one barangay has to undergo lockdown due to the sudden cases of Covid. Few died already and that escalated the worry of the resident.

Weekend Lockdown might be of big help to minimize our mobility. My father, and other tricycle drivers will have to stop earning for the Weekend with compliance to that, much affecting us also. Well, we will have to see how long we'll have to go on to this kind of set up. But another big question is, how long is this?

Today's The First Day

My day is kind of eventful. Few might know that we do not have our own house yet? No? Okay, we don't have our house because it has to be removed out of the way of road widening. Partly true, but the main reason is that it was barely standing.

We've been staying at our temporal shelter. And today, is the first day of building the house. It was supposed to start by 15th but was moved today. It's a small house only. And that doesn't matter to me as long as we can build ours the soonest. I made a withdrawal a week ago to help purchase materials with the construction. And maybe, oh no, surely, I will have to grind more to help with the expenses in the coming days. Wish me luck on that.

Hours ago, me, my sister and mom helped dad to move the lumbers. It was absolutely exhausting. If only my brother's here he could have save our asses.

Within this week, we'll have to deal and problematize the roof. Now, I am kind of regretting my stupidity to even gamble🤦‍♀️.

Lead image credits to

$ 1.09
$ 0.97 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Momentswithmatti
$ 0.03 from @Lucifer01
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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: Weekend, Lockdown, Life


That's small for now, don't worry you'll be able to have your own and big house 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good to know about it. It will be all ok dear. You can fix it. Don't regret.

$ 0.00
2 years ago