Little Envy II

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
3 years ago
Topics: Envy, Perspective, Cat, Story

Published on: September 06, 2021

If you haven't read the first one, you can visit it here. Thank you!


That day started my rainy days. As if the clouds are weeping for whatever reason. No one ever console her or them that's why even tho it's been 3 days since they first shed big bulky crystal tears, they are still into it, weeping and crying. They don't mind creatures below them. What if someone didn't bring that cover to refrain them from getting wet? I've seen some human fell ill because of them. Even that old lady caught bad cold when she went outside to shoo me away.

Good for her.

It's been 3 days. 3 days without Mira. I sniff and sigh about my hope. She's probably enjoying the security and warmth of their house with her furry and grumpy cat. Of course, she only lied to me that day so she could get away from a dirty full of bacteria cat like me.

"Meow" still on the same alley, my usual spot, I hear a meow. It sounds familiar. It meows again. I immediately follows and find where that sound comes from.

"I'm here. Help me please!" After hearing that, my eyes landed at the top of a cemented gate. Yes, like that of a separator of houses in this alley. My eyes darted at the little fella. She's shivering and the fear is visible in her eyes. She's trembling. Poor cat. But I'm still poorer.

"How did you get up there? How did you manage to climb up there?" I ask as I sit down. Looking up at her trembling and fragile figure. She cried after I ask her that. I sat up in alarm.

"No...I didn't...lawrence put me here. How can I go down help me please..." She cried. Looking at the height she'll land on. She's trying to balance more and take baby step to go down but she's too overwhelmed by the height. I think she's injured too. Oh shoot I forgot she got only 2 instead of four. Her other one is smaller while the left is non existent. Now, she looks poorer to me.

"I can't catch you, you know. I can't really help you. Just wait, Lawrence will come back for you. He has done that to some other cat, don't worry. "

She eyed me grudgingly. "What if he won't...?"

"No, don't try to climb down. If you can just walk straight, you know. There's a lower area right there. I'll meet you there. come on!"

"I can't walk. You know." She said a bit embarrassed as she referred to her missing limbs.

I just look at her. Now, I'm stress. How to console this little cat? I can't even do that to myself!

"Sorry. Just wait a little bit. Sarah will be mad at him if --" my words hang in the air when that voice came in view.

"my Elly, where are you?"

Upon hearing that another familiar voice, Elly this little fella, jumps in excitement. Not literally because she will surely fall down. She's excited to see Sarah. I am too, to see Mira again.

"See? She's looking for you. Surely, she scolded little Lawrence for his evil deed".

"Meow" it's elly. Soon, sarah appeared in front of us. She doesn't notice me at all as her attention is all to Elly. Lucky Elly.

"She's here. see?" just on time, Lawrence come in the picture.

The girl smack her brother out of frustration.

"Why the heck did you put Elly here? You dimwit! You know she can't even climb do---"

"Stop it. You're too loud. I was just mad. I told you I hate losi--"

"Oh shit. You are a big boy now. Learn to accept defeat."

"I'm not a big boy. I'm 9!"

"Oh? Baby boys don't know how to walk and definitely they can't put a cat at this height!"

"Shut up."

"Shut up your face."

I didn't know but I just stared at the two siblings. They are the grandchildren of that old hag I've been talking about. They're cute. But Lawrence got that old hag's attitude.

As if Lawrence sense I am watching them, he slowly turn his head to my direction. His eyes filled with annoyance. "Rarwrrr!" his voice roar like thunder. I back away even more. "Bullshit cats" he muttered and all I do is to close my eyes when he throw something at me.

And they left in peace.

"I'm sorry and thank you" are the last words of Elly before they vanish.

Phew. Lawrence throw me a banana peel. I thought it's the usual rock that hits me on the back or face. Luckily, I can endure the impact. But the thought that they are hitting me due to their heart's desire are what hit me hard.

Fine. Humans are easy to feel frustrated, annoyed and we are the ones who are available to accept every wave of their emotions.

I walk out of the alley to find food. My stomach growl as I come face to face with the busy view of the real city to me. Of course, city means many food. You just have to pay tho. That's the thing I've notice as I always sneak and watch humans stop to these store outside. I don't know. They are fast to make foods and all look delicious!

I walk and walk and stop to look at that same shed. Will she ever fulfill her promise? Or should I stop dreaming about it? Sighing, I walk but after some walking, I come to a halt when a familiar car pull to a stop as well.

$ 4.30
$ 4.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Codename_Chikakiku
$ 0.05 from @snapping.turtle
+ 3
Avatar for AmazingWorld
3 years ago
Topics: Envy, Perspective, Cat, Story


I've been waiting for this. That grumpy old hag, haha, good for her. I hope it was Mira in the car now.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm so in love with this. Your piece is great. I hope that Mira will visit her again. Poor meow.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ayttt thank you for reading 😘 ahahaha sana nga e wait lang sabihan ko djk.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Awww the characters are cute, are they cats? Whats the name of main character? I think she leave the house because her owner is bad to her, is she gonna move in City and become a stray cat? I hope she could live in peace while roaming around the city and people won't make her siopao.πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yep they are cats and with human interaction. Whahaha I hope so di siya gawing siopao😭 But she's been a stay cat for a while now. Honestly, wala pa po siyang name e

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank your for stopping by poπŸ˜„πŸ˜„

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Comparing between 1st part & this one... I think this part has more intensity. Keep writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey dear @Lucifer01! Thank you for your visit. I will try my best to write better. Thank you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes you can

$ 0.00
3 years ago