Fall or not to fall for its Trap

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago

Thu, August 12, 2021 @01:00 PM (Phil. Time)#10

It's something beyond my human comprehension. How is it for you?

Love. Love. Love. No matter how many times i utter this single yet unfathomable concept, i could not clearly decipher its connotation. Of course, i have never been in love. One thing I've noticed about this fundamental feeling of affection is, it's a trap.

I've seen so many people embrace the trap open arms. They were immensely motivated to go to school, or work harder, or anything related to it. My classmate when in love would be enraptured and blush profusely whenever her apple of the eye was around. When she's feeling demotivated on doing her project, just upon hearing his name would literally charge her full batt. My Auntie would be so inspired at the thought of him. From there, you could clearly see how transparent one becomes during such trance.

It's such a powerful thing, an unfathomable feeling and inexplicable yet dangerous suit for the faint hearted.

I've seen many fall on their knees. Even the strongest man can bend down due to the intense feeling of sorrow, remorse and brokenness. For most, love is inevitable. It's a curse that once casted on you, you'll submit yourself falling to the extremities of wreckage.

It's a curse. It's true. People are overly smitten and forget themselves most of the time. Once you're under the curse you'll forget about yourself. It always win. No one or nothing can break such curse. Or yes, it can be. Yet it requires a whole lot extraordinary courage to defy your feelings.

It's meant to break you. Love becomes insidious. It does pass the surface and dip immensely. It's addictive that once you dip deeper on the gravy, you're in danger. You'll find yourself falling and breaking into pieces. Picking up your shattered self would inevitably consume time, and that's hard to do so.

It breaks and changes who you are. That's a typical side effect of "love". A good change or an extreme one. I've learned from some folks who I knew for a while, they do change. Some becomes more motivated on school and the other learns and do things they've never done before.

It makes you stupid. Love makes one stupid. Dreaming for someone to reciprocate the same intensity of your feeling would just make you appear stupid. Desperate. It can be counted by your finger or none at all would be willing to be with you or accept your love.

It makes one stupid in a sense that even though the person no longer feel the burning passion, but a flickering fire that's already dying, the other person would still pursue for another chance. Some people I've seen won't accept that their relationship failed and ended so they will go after that person. It's sick but true. Some would deliberately show their intention but some would just silently wish for a comeback and end up being disappointed and hurt.

It's dangerous. Being too attached to someone without the certainty of being together (forever?) will likely to give a feeling of "longing", "detachment", "stress" and even "depression". This is dangerous for people who aren't so used on tolerating such emotions.

It changes a person.

When cupid strikes you real hard, they said resisting would be no use. Once you fall mild, and or severely, you'll never find yourself before the fall.

I've never been smitten and I'm thankful to that. Lol. And yet, when people talk about their experiences, I've concluded that;

Love teaches lessons. Love isn't a forbidden crime. One is free to roam around and being hurt is just part of its process. It teaches one various lessons. Ariana Grande's song "Thank You, Next" would be a good example for this. Some love would teach you pain and patience. In the course you'll find yourself learning new things and lessons to make you stronger and better- until you find that "someone"for you.


Would you let yourself fall for the trap of Love?

Or did you already fall for it?

Thanks for Reading!


Lead image edited via Picsart. The Photo is not mine.

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago


Yes I definitely would want to but I'd like to not see it as a trap ahhaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love is Love :D We have different perceptions of love, but to me, it all falls down to being yourself with another soul despite your flaws and also learning to becoming better or growing better with him/her.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

yan din natutunan ko sa ibang inlove. The best thing I've learned is that one chooses to accept the other person despite of his or her imperfections ❤Thank you po for dropping by!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, and the love we know when we are younger changes over time. It's not always the heart beating fast or other sorts, it becomes deeper and more meaningful :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love really changes a person and also it changes our lives. When cupid hit you, there's nothing you can do but to go with it. But remember when you love, don't forget to love yourself too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

yes po, love yourself first❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahh Don’t talk about love..i hate this,shit! But most turning point is, do not fall in love and be free from any kind of pressure. Work for family or for yourself.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Surely mate! hahaha I can't say I do believe in love too. but they say its true

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lieeee.. Some thing will be true only when 70% of the thing happen true but in case of love? Only 10% couple come in true life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago