The Art of Allowing

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2 years ago
Topics: Inspirational

Everything has more sides than just the ones I'm seeing at the moment. As you observe an event, just look at it, without judging, without processing the information, just look at it. Don't fight against the current. Wonder how my inner being would interpret it?

What aspect of this does my inner being seen? How does my inner being seen this? As I say this and see it like this, I let my inner self, that larger part of me, find the positives in what I am seeing, because every event, circumstance, moment, situation has what it wants and lack of it As well.

My inner Being finds in all the positive aspects that I am seeing, because everything has what is wanted and the lack of this within them. As I find what is wanted, it is in that instant of time that I return to my alignment. As I hold that experience, I steadily convert to a narrow alignment experience. Align with whom? With whom I am and then co-creating with others is the best of the best. And when I reach the place where I don't need others to give me approval, it's a time of alignment and vibrational convergence with my inner being. The longer I hold that momentum “aligned”, the experience I want to invoke begins to flow towards me, this is the “art of allowing”.

Allow to? What I want in my life, even if others do not agree. When I am aligned with myself, it happens that my point of attraction is stable. The law of attraction will never bring me what I am not.

The art of allowing has to do with the art of connecting and giving space to the Divine that exists in us. The art of allowing is the ability to open myself to the experience of living being who I really am. It is to put myself aside, it is to get away from the path, it is to detach myself from what my mind thinks and what my fear says in order to generate enough emptiness and for my Divine Self to take the reins and direct my life.

I often wonder if I really allow all the love, happiness, wholeness, health, prosperity that I am to manifest, if I feel worthy and innocent enough to relax and let go control of my mind Do I allow it or deny it?

Do you allow it or deny it?

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2 years ago
Topics: Inspirational
