Why does the sky turn red at sunset?

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3 years ago
Topics: Nature, Facts

Sunset is one of the most spectacular scenes in nature that excites everyone, but its beauty has a scientific reason.

We love watching all the beautiful colors of sunset and sunrise, but how this happens, but more often only the sky is blue? All this is due to light and that light has color. Believe it or not, the light around you is a combination of all the colors of the world. But if this is true, why do we only see some colors in the sky at certain times and not all of them exist?

The earth moves in space with dance

Our planet (Earth) is moving in space with seven other planets. They all rotate in a circle, but they also move around the sun in much larger circles. When, for example, the sun is setting in Australia, it means that the earth is moving away from the sun, at sunrise we are moving towards it, and at night it happens when we are no longer facing the sun at all. The day occurs when we face the sun directly, so the sun's rays are transmitted directly to us.

Although you can not tell by looking at them, there are rays of sunlight in different sizes. Scientists measure these rays using something called wavelength. Each different wavelength of light has its own unique color.

So we know why the sky is bright during the day and dark at night, and we know that the sun's rays are of different sizes or wavelengths, but how do these colors become the beautiful colors we see at sunset and sunrise?

This happens because of an important ray of air that wraps around the earth and is called the atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere is made up of many very small objects called molecules. In fact, everything is made of molecules, but each molecule is much smaller than a grain of sand. These objects are so small that you can not see them without a microscope, you can only see the larger things they create.

When the sun's rays reach the earth, they encounter molecules from the earth's atmosphere. The molecules then begin to play with light, moving it back and forth between them, a process called "scattering." The longer the wavelength of light, the longer it can be scattered between the Earth's atmosphere molecules before it gets tired and returns to space. Blue light has a shorter wavelength than red or pink light. This means that it can only disappear at a shorter distance between molecules. When Australia is directly facing the sun (day), there is less room for light to pass through. Blue light can easily come out of the other side and give us a blue sky.

The colors of sunrise and sunset

We already know that the earth is spinning in its place. Remember that when the sun sets in Australia, we are around the sun and no longer facing it directly, which means that sunlight has to pass through a thicker part of the atmosphere to reach us. This also happens at sunrise, when Australia is moving towards the sun. By covering this distance from the atmosphere, the blue light gets tired and can no longer continue, so it returns more to space. But red, orange, and yellow light have longer wavelengths, meaning they can be scattered for longer and travel through the atmosphere to reach us; That is why we have beautiful sunsets and sunrises.


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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Nature, Facts
