Which one is more scary, India or Iran? Iran's top5 scary places;

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3 years ago

Iran is a country located in middle east which has a great huge history. So, the longer the history, the more the tourist attractions and scary places are one of those tourist attractions.

After India's top10 scary places, I'm inviting you to this virtual trip to Iran's top5 scary places;

5-Treasure Lake

Treasure Lake is located in the center of the ancient site of Takht-e Soleiman and has given a special effect to this place. This place is actually a limestone spring that pumps groundwater aquifers to the ground with great pressure; It is said that there are valuable treasures hidden in the bottom of this Lake , which has led to it being called a lake of treasure . This water is rich in salts and this is a great obstacle for diving in the lake and seeing its depths; This has caused all the narrations and legends that exist around treasure lake to be sealed; It is said that there was a city under the lake where these treasures remained. 

This lake has been created over the years due to the accumulation of glazes from compounds in the water; The depth of the lake was very shallow at first, but now, after many years, the depth of this Lake is about 60 meters. 


The treasures of the lake;

Ring of the king solomon: Solomon had a ring in his hand from which he received his power. There are stories that the devil reached for this ring and threw it deep into the lake so that he could sit on Solomon's throne.

Cyrus' treasure : Traditions say that Cyrus the Great Persia' s emperor, after defeating the king of Lydia, came to this lake and poured his treasury  in the water of the lake as a sacrifice to God. 

Sassanid treasure : Khosrow Parviz, the Sassanid king, was always at war with the Roman king. After a while, the Romans besieged this city, but before the complete victory, the priests dumped all the treasures of the fire temple into the lake so that the enemy would not gain them. 

 No-one can reach the bottom of the lake, Indeed if you look closely around the lake, you can see various graves which has been make as a sign of the people who have tried to reach the treasures of the bottom of lake and have never came back.

4-Bermuda Triangle of Iran

The desert itself is full of mysteries. A terrifying and extraordinary sand dune called "Rig Jinn" is located in the desert area of ​​Semnan, 170 km from Tehran, which kills every living thing that travels to it.

This region, which is one of the hottest places on earth, is covered with sand dunes and salt marshes, which has made it one of the most impassable areas in the world. For centuries, no one has ever been able to cross this area and no animal lives in it. Due to the occurrence of unanswered and irrational events in this region, it has been called the "Bermuda Triangle of Iran".

There are many tales and legends from the past that say that this sand dune is cursed and is a place for Jinns, goblins and souls to live, and that evil spirits and demons rule in it and do not allow any living thing to enter it. Some locals even say they have heard goblins talking to each other in the area. Other locals say that whoever steps into this desert is swallowed up by the earth and never returns.

3-Valley of the Stars

Qeshm Island has an amazing and enchanting nature. A beautiful and magical valley called Stars Valley in this amazing island is known today as one of the most beautiful places in Qeshm. In addition to its indescribable nature, it contains fascinating anecdotes and legends. The natives of Qeshm believe that the magical volumes in this valley were created millions of years ago as a result of a stellar impact on the earth or by extraterrestrial beings.

Simultaneously with the wind and the influx of sand, a terrible sound is heard from the corridors in this valley, which are located between the giant carved walls, in the silence of the desert.

The locals of the island do not even come close to this area during the dark of night and they also ask the tourists to refrain from going to this place when it gets dark, Because they believe that ghosts, goblins and extraterrestrial beings roam the valley at night.

2-Cemetery for elves

Cemeteries have a long history of fear and always have a special place in horror movies. There is a strange and unusual cemetery in the village of "Tis" in the port of Chabahar called "Goblin Cemetery". The graves has very large and unnatural size and has strange shapes on them.

Legends and folk says that this graves are for elves, It is interesting to know that strange noises are heard in this village at night. Some villagers say that these are the sounds, moans and cries of elves over the graves of their loved ones who mourn for them until morning.

1- scary cottage in Anzali

Haftdaghanan forest is a mysterious area in Gillan province in Iran where has been a destination for many adventurers and tourists for many years. Locals have heard a lot of noise from this forest and say, it is better to leave this area before nightfall. But if you travel to this area to experience the horror, you should go to the eastern part of the village, where the weather suddenly gets heavier and about 200meter into the forest, you can see the abandoned cottage with many local legends in addition to it's heavy atmosphere. According to locals, if you can only last one night in this cottage, you will become extremely rich!

Despite these superstitions, none of the natives and locals have been willing to come to this house for years, even to get rich. The reason for the fear of this cottage is the terrible fate of those who have spent a night in this mysterious and cursed cottage to prove their courage. 

In 1966, four boys went to this village for the first time and decided to stay at the cottage overnight, contrary to all the rumors they had heard about the horror cottage. At night, two of the four boys escape from the cottage due to an unknown incident, but unfortunately, the other two who stay there face a more tragic fate. It has reported that one of them dies in the cottage out of fear, the cause of which is still unknown, and the other, who survived, goes crazy and never returns to normal.

This is not the only suspicious case of this cottage!  After 20 years; This time there were 3 girls who came to Haft Daghnan village. The three girls went to the Anzali Horror cottage, and say that two days later, locals found a girl around the cottage. The girl was shocked and trembling with fear! Finally, people came and entered the house and found the other two girls who had died. The cause of death of both was stroke and instant death. It is said that both their eyes were fixed on a certain point and remained open. The other girl, committed suicide after a few days. After this incident, the cottage was evacuated by the local police and placed under security measures. Since then, no one is allowed to approach or visit this horror cottage and you can only see this cottage from a distance.


Hope you like and enjoy and thanks for your support.

If you enjoy this article, you can visit my other top scary places includes;





And in India.

Have a nice day🤗🤗

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Written by
3 years ago


Without saying anything else, i m just loving these places.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i think a beautiful mind like your mind is more scary!

$ 0.00
User's avatar mhv
3 years ago

Tnx man

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing💓. But I loved the night sky phot that you posted. And thank you for the article it gives us idea of what are those places in India.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yes i read all article and .ost horror palace is lake and bermuda triangle .....thanq for information

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for reading🤗

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Beautiful article, very awesome thanks for that article.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tnx & YW

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

nice and scary, like always

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tnx bro👍🏼

$ 0.00
3 years ago