The most controversial divorces in the world of celebrities

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3 years ago
Topics: Facts, Cinema

The marital relationships of Hollywood actors often get into trouble, and some of them cause a lot of controversy for these actors.

Rational ideas is hard to divorce itself, but through this issue while you're famous and a lot to look at the situation more difficult. There have been some bizarre and controversial divorces in Hollywood in recent years.

Some of them have been taken to court, and some of them have caused controversy with the accusations that the two actors made against each other. In most of these cases, all circumstances lead to the fans having to take the side of one of these actors and try to blame the other side. Here are the worst cases of Hollywood divorce.

Dennis Richard and Charlie Sheen

"Star Wars Fighters" actor Dennis Richard filed for divorce in 2006 after living with Charlie Sheen for four years. They had two children, and Richard claims that Shane Paranoia does not allow their children to be vaccinated. Shane also accused his wife of obscenity. It was also said at the time that Charlie Sheen was addicted to drugs. The separation of the two people took a long time due to the trials that took place.

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have been in a lot of controversy over the past few years, and this year a court was convened to hear Johnny Depp's complaint from The Sun. A long time ago, a photo was published by Amber Heard with a bruise on her face, which was said to have been caused by Johnny Depp. Evidence later emerged that Heard had been beheaded by Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp has been involved in these incidents so far, and he was forced to retire from acting in "fantastic Beasts3".

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt

Pitt and Aniston separated five years after they were married. There were also rumors of betrayal between the two sides at the time, and a few months later Brad Pitt met Angelina Julie in the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith". Pitt marries Angelina Julie, but the relationship, which begins in 2014, ends five years later.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

The couple lived together for five years when Holmes filed for divorce, resulting in a daughter. This divorce was very unexpected for Tom Cruise. The two soon separated and did not make headlines in the media. But what made the separation controversial was that Tom Cruise sued Bauer for allegedly leaving his daughter, forcing the media to pay $ 50 million for the charge.

Madonna and Sean Penn

Just three years after the couple married, Madonna filed for divorce in 1989. The two were said to have had a violent affair, but Madonna confirmed in court that although Sean Penn had become very angry very quickly, he had never beaten her.


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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Facts, Cinema


The worse thing is that you can't know who is telling the truth, because both sides are good actors

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard issue was the topmost controversial separation recently. Just when you think that men are abusive and dangerous 🤷‍♀️

$ 0.00
3 years ago